bestnaf / ARS

ARS addon for Gunbot MM
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Secondary TG Bot #19

Open tr0lldermort opened 3 years ago

tr0lldermort commented 3 years ago


A number of users have mentioned that a second TG bot would be useful to split out function and/or alert messages; an additional feed could be made available for this purpose. If the devs still dislike the idea though, this req. can just be closed.

Messages can be split into three categories:

  1. Warning
  2. Function
  3. Summary

Message Categories

Warning Warning messages only appear when there is a problem. An example of this would be: image

Function Function messages are not periodic, they are triggered by certain events such as a close, a change in PPP index, or a liquidation spread reached. Examples of these are: image image image image

Summary This is the periodic summary sent out by ARS and looks like this: image

Setting up TG in ARS

A simple way to configure the two TG bots would be to modify the USR_VARS.ini file as follows:

TG_CATEGORIES = Warning, Function
TG_TOKEN = 124124999:FASDFAFUNppasdasdasdNq8Iiasdasdasd
TG_CHAT_ID = 151515136
TG_TOKEN = 888569958:GAASGFTFSasdASFasdasdNq8Iiasasdfasf
TG_CHAT_ID = 3525236236

Where a user can put any combination of Warning, Function and/or Summary in either of the TG_CATEGORIES fields. If TG_CATEGORIES is left blank, no messages get sent automatically to that feed.

nikolaos83 commented 3 years ago


I've actually put in a request for such a feature a month ago:

ARS could send critical messages like LS limit reached or GB stopped working, etc. to a separate telegram channel. I keep the bot channel muted for obvious reasons but I'd like to get an alert if anything requiring attention happens and that could be possible with a second TG channel.

tr0lldermort commented 3 years ago

aha so you did :) ty for mentioning it!