bet365 / soap

Make it easy to use SOAP from Erlang
Apache License 2.0
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soap generate wrong interface for WSDL with overloaded functions #19

Open kpy3 opened 7 years ago

kpy3 commented 7 years ago


just found soap generates multiple equals functions (the only difference is specs) from WSDL with the same overloaded RPC calls. This ends up with errors during compilation like:

api_client.erl:48: spec for 'CardIssueRequest'/3 already defined
api_client.erl:51: function 'CardIssueRequest'/3 already defined
api_client.erl:54: spec for 'CardIssueRequest'/3 already defined
api_client.erl:57: function 'CardIssueRequest'/3 already defined

After removing duplicate lines from erlang file and editing specs it works fine.

cmullaparthi commented 7 years ago

Could you post the WSDL which caused this please?