bet365 / soap

Make it easy to use SOAP from Erlang
Apache License 2.0
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WSDL with XSD could not parse but RAM is increased to 50GB in just 3 mins. #35

Open murtza opened 6 years ago

murtza commented 6 years ago

WSDL with XSD could not parse but RAM is increased to 50GB in just 3 mins. i get no error messages at all. soap:wsdl2erlang stuck at ==> Generated file apiCustomer_1_client.erl

murtza commented 6 years ago

i comment out following lines in soap_compile_wsdl.erl and now i am able to generate .hrl file.

% case Generate_test_client of
%   false -> ok;
%   true ->
%      soap_test_module:from_interface(Interface4, Client, Client ++ "_test",
%                                      hrl_file_name(Module), Options)
% end,