bet365 / soap

Make it easy to use SOAP from Erlang
Apache License 2.0
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Generated Client doesnt work in Elixir Distillery Release #46

Closed lbormann closed 5 years ago

lbormann commented 5 years ago

I used this library to generate the Client out of my wsdl files.

All works fine in my dev environment - i can successfully call the services.

The Problem: When I build a Elixir Release by Distillery it seems not to work at all. I get following back by the previous generated Client:

{:error, {:client, {:encoding_body, :error, :undef}}, ""}

I thought about a path problem regarding hrl-records (include folder) or generated client (src folder). All tries - no luck. Moreover my application is an Umbrella-Application (maybe there is a problem..?)

Any help appreciated!

lbormann commented 5 years ago

The solution is:

add "erlsom" as entry of extra_applications in your mix.exs