bet365 / soap

Make it easy to use SOAP from Erlang
Apache License 2.0
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Odbc #5

Closed edudemy closed 8 years ago

edudemy commented 8 years ago

Hi @cmullaparthi,

Is there a different repo for the odbc libraries open sourced according to this article on erlang-solutions.


cmullaparthi commented 8 years ago

Hi @edudemy,

The changes to the odbc library are ready but not released yet as we are testing it with our internal applications first. Hopefully should be released soon.

zdeneksejcek commented 7 years ago


have you released ODBC already or still in development?

Thanks, ZS.

Startigers commented 6 years ago


is ODBC still in development or has your plan changed and bet365 won't release it?

Thanks, Arne