bet4it / hyperpwn

A hyper plugin to provide a flexible GDB GUI frontend with the help of GEF, pwndbg or peda
MIT License
591 stars 59 forks source link

this plugin can not be installed by hyper #4

Closed joeycold closed 2 years ago

joeycold commented 4 years ago

when either fresh install or update plugin, hyper always pop notification, image. the install or update will be failed.the other hyper plugins work fine.

bet4it commented 4 years ago

I guess that's because is blocked. Can you visit this url? You could try to install it under proxy. Or you can install this plugin locally by adding it to localPlugins in .hyper.js.

syheliel commented 3 years ago

Alternatively, you can use npm to directly install this plugin

cd ~/.hyper_plugins
npm install hyperpwn