The game's option settings have changed several times throughout the game's history, including the version range the launcher contains currently. As a result, loading an old version in an instance last played in a newer version may result in the deletion or overwriting of the options set during that prior session, which wastes a lot of time.
This could be averted if the launcher could somehow save those options somewhere else, such that when the game is launched, those saved options (specifically only those the game recognizes at that point) would be decoded by the launcher into a format that that version understands, allowing for forwards and backwards compatibility and having their constant erasure by changing versions no longer be an issue.
The game's option settings have changed several times throughout the game's history, including the version range the launcher contains currently. As a result, loading an old version in an instance last played in a newer version may result in the deletion or overwriting of the options set during that prior session, which wastes a lot of time.
This could be averted if the launcher could somehow save those options somewhere else, such that when the game is launched, those saved options (specifically only those the game recognizes at that point) would be decoded by the launcher into a format that that version understands, allowing for forwards and backwards compatibility and having their constant erasure by changing versions no longer be an issue.