betaflight / betaflight-configurator

Cross platform configuration tool for the Betaflight firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mamba f435 2023A motors won't spin when arming #3921

Closed mlc76520 closed 1 month ago

mlc76520 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Motors won't spin when arming. Same in BF motors tab; no spin. Works fine on 4.5.0 RC4.

To Reproduce

Flash firmware. Spin motors in bf motors tab or arm kwad.

Expected behavior

Motors should spin in bf motors tab. motors should spin when arming

Configurator version

latest 10.10.0 c97deaf

Flight controller configuration

# diff

# version
# Betaflight / AT32F435G (A435) 4.5.0 Apr 29 2024 / 13:59:50 (c155f5830) MSP API: 1.46
# config rev: 53c4a3c

# start the command batch
batch start

board_name MAMBAF435_2023A
manufacturer_id DIAT

# name: AKvert

# feature
feature OSD

# serial
serial 0 64 115200 57600 0 115200
serial 2 131073 115200 57600 0 115200

# beeper
beeper -RX_LOST
beeper -ARMING
beeper -BAT_CRIT_LOW
beeper -BAT_LOW
beeper -GPS_STATUS
beeper -READY_BEEP
beeper -ARMED
beeper -ON_USB
beeper -CRASH_FLIP

# aux
aux 0 0 0 1900 2100 0 0
aux 1 13 3 1900 2100 0 0
aux 2 35 2 1900 2100 0 0
aux 3 36 1 1900 2100 0 0

# master
set acc_calibration = 2,-47,28,1
set max_check = 2000
set rc_smoothing_auto_factor = 140
set rc_smoothing_setpoint_cutoff = 25
set rc_smoothing_feedforward_cutoff = 25
set vbat_min_cell_voltage = 350
set yaw_motors_reversed = ON
set small_angle = 180
set report_cell_voltage = ON
set osd_link_quality_pos = 3555
set osd_gps_speed_pos = 517
set osd_gps_lon_pos = 613
set osd_gps_lat_pos = 581
set osd_gps_sats_pos = 549
set osd_home_dir_pos = 183
set osd_home_dist_pos = 188
set osd_altitude_pos = 2533
set osd_warnings_pos = 14869
set osd_avg_cell_voltage_pos = 3587
set debug_mode = GYRO_SCALED
set craft_name = AKvert
set pilot_name = mlcFPV

profile 0

# profile 0
set feedforward_averaging = 2_POINT
set feedforward_smooth_factor = 45
set feedforward_jitter_factor = 10

rateprofile 0

# rateprofile 0
set thr_mid = 30
set thr_expo = 50
set rates_type = BETAFLIGHT
set roll_rc_rate = 90
set pitch_rc_rate = 90
set yaw_rc_rate = 90
set roll_srate = 70
set pitch_srate = 70
set yaw_srate = 70
set throttle_limit_type = SCALE
set throttle_limit_percent = 90

# end the command batch
batch end


Add any other context about the problem that you think might be relevant here

Works fine on 4.5.0 RC4

haslinghuis commented 1 month ago

Do not open duplicate PR's for same issue as now we we have to look at two reports. Was going to move the issue to firmware.

mlc76520 commented 1 month ago

My apologies was not sure