betaflight / betaflight

Open Source Flight Controller Firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Beeper not working for magnetometer calibration sequence #13515

Closed virusapex closed 2 weeks ago

virusapex commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

When performing stick commands or initiating magnetometer calibration from configurator, beeper isn't making any sounds. It's working for accelerometer calibration sequence, making a single beep for both options.

To Reproduce

Pressing "Calibrate Magnetometer" in Betaflight Configurator or using stick commands from the transmitter.

Expected behavior

Hearing two short beeps confirming that I initiated the calibration process.

Support ID


Flight controller


Other components

GEP-M10-DQ (M10 GPS, QMC5883L Magnetometer, DPS310 Barometer)

How are the different components wired up (including port information)

All through UART5

Add any other context about the problem that you think might be relevant here

Betaflight 4.5.0-RC3

Giammi commented 1 month ago

You have to activate ACC_CALIBRATION and GYRO_CALIBRATED in the beeper section (

haslinghuis commented 2 weeks ago

Closing as configuration issue