betaflight / betaflight

Open Source Flight Controller Firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
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configurator question #422

Closed skaman82 closed 7 years ago

skaman82 commented 8 years ago

@borisbstyle I have been asked twice already to create a betaflight configurator. Please give me a short feedback if this is in your interest. Somebody has to maintain the app when I am through with the design changes...

If you OK with this, I would change the colors and logos as a start. For that I need your betaflight logo in a vector format.

RC-Slater commented 8 years ago

Is it really needed? I know there are unique CLI commands that don't exist in CF, but these change so often in BF anyway that it seems like a chore to maintain a separate configurator.. Also increases the barrier and learning curve for people moving from CF to BF...

skaman82 commented 8 years ago

@RC-Slater I guess people are asking because of the development speed of the CF configurator. There is almost no work being done on that comparing to the firmware and especially comparing to the development speed of betaflight. I personally have no real opinion on a separate betaflight configurator. If Boris says no, that absolutely fine with me.

borisbstyle commented 8 years ago

Hi Albert,

Yeah a configurator would be nice to have honestly. I introduced so many new different and experimental parameters what can be confusing to users.

I will maintain it further once it is done.

I will also soon add some extra MSP commands betaflight specific what can be added into configurator.

Regarding the logo. Someone else on the forum made it and I will have to check if it is a vector?

Thanks in advance. Op 25 mei 2016 19:39 schreef "Albert Kravcov"

@borisbstyle I have been asked twice already to create a betaflight configurator. Please give me a short feedback if this is in your interest. Somebody has to maintain the app when I am through with the design changes...

If you OK with this, I would change the colors and logos as a start. For that I need your betaflight logo in a vector format.

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nathantsoi commented 8 years ago

i think this is a great idea! i previously forked the configurator to add some exciting new features (not pushed yet... and i am glad other people think this is valuable!

i have created this repo with the basic changes (name and removed user tracking) and gave @borisbstyle and @skaman82 admin rights

happy to add anyone else who wants to work on this!

we should also come up with some deployment plan when ready so we can push the tool to the google chrome store

nathantsoi commented 8 years ago

one more thought @borisbstyle. i was at Maker Faire this weekend telling everyone who doesn't already use BetaFlight (most of the pros already do), that they should use BetaFlight because it is AWESOME!.... and i think the name "beta" might be a little scary to folks... maybe this is what we want? maybe not?

i think that since the firmware so solid (and not buggy like "beta" firmware), at some point it may be worth "re-branding" to some name that does not have "Beta" in the name :)

i bring this up now, b/c if @skaman82 is going to re-skin the configuration tool, maybe we want to do that at the same time?

deepimpact commented 8 years ago

.....and Awesomeflight was born

On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 2:09 PM, Nathan wrote:

one more thought @borisbstyle i was at Maker Faire this weekend telling everyone who doesn't already use BetaFlight (most of the pros already do), that they should use BetaFlight because it is AWESOME!.... and i think the name "beta" might be a little scary to folks... maybe this is what we want? maybe not?

i think that since the firmware so solid (and not buggy like "beta" firmware), at some point it may be worth "re-branding" to some name that does not have "Beta" in the name :)

i bring this up now, b/c if @skaman82 is going to re-skin the configuration tool, maybe we want to do that at the same time?

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borisbstyle commented 8 years ago

Yes nathan.....I was thinking that too just the other day.

It isnt anymore like it was initially to test cleanflight Pull Requests.

It is indeed good to change the name immediatelly.

Any suggestions? Op 25 mei 2016 21:09 schreef "Nathan"

one more thought @borisbstyle i was at Maker Faire this weekend telling everyone who doesn't already use BetaFlight (most of the pros already do), that they should use BetaFlight because it is AWESOME!.... and i think the name "beta" might be a little scary to folks... maybe this is what we want? maybe not?

i think that since the firmware so solid (and not buggy like "beta" firmware), at some point it may be worth "re-branding" to some name that does not have "Beta" in the name :)

i bring this up now, b/c if @skaman82 is going to re-skin the configuration tool, maybe we want to do that at the same time?

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skaman82 commented 8 years ago

thanks @borisbstyle I will work on that in the next week or two when I have time. Just finished the new INAV Configurator - moving now to the next one… (just keep them coming ;-) )

bildschirmfoto 2016-05-25 um 21 22 24

borisbstyle commented 8 years ago are doing a great job man! Op 25 mei 2016 21:18 schreef "Albert Kravcov"

thanks @borisbstyle I will work on that in the next week or two when I have time. Just finished the new INAV Configurator - moving now to the next one… (just keep them coming ;-) )

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KiteAnton commented 8 years ago

Yes this is good. I have thought about this many times since development of cleanflight configurator seems to be going really slow. Made a PR to fix the buffer issue for text dumps March 12th, and still no response.

mikeller commented 8 years ago

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 7:15 AM, borisbstyle wrote:

It is indeed good to change the name immediatelly. Any suggestions?

betterflight? ;-)

voyn238 commented 8 years ago


On Wed, May 25, 2016, 3:32 PM Michael Keller wrote:

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 7:15 AM, borisbstyle wrote:

It is indeed good to change the name immediatelly. Any suggestions?

betterflight? ;-)

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skaman82 commented 8 years ago

It doesn't necessarily have to include FLIGHT at the end. Or does it?

@KiteAnton I would merge your PR into CF Configurator, but I mostly merge only GUI related stuff. So Dominic has to do it, or at least comment first.

borisbstyle commented 8 years ago

I will try to do some configurator work Oh man I hate that so much :( Op 25 mei 2016 21:38 schreef "Albert Kravcov"

It doesn't necessarily have to include FLIGHT at the end. Or does it?

@KiteAnton I would merge your PR into CF Configurator, but I mostly merge only GUI related stuff. So Dominic has to do it, or at least comment first.

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mikeller commented 8 years ago

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 7:48 AM, borisbstyle wrote:

I will try to do some configurator work Oh man I hate that so much :(

If you let us know what you want done, others might be able to put in some work. I for my part don't mind the odd bit of JavaScript.

RC-Slater commented 8 years ago

@skaman oh wow your work on the iNav configurator is very nice!

borisbstyle commented 8 years ago

@mikeller I just want to have an advanced tuning tab with all the "betaflight" related stuff. I get so many questions about cli commands. People somehow seem to find that hard

mikeller commented 8 years ago

@borisbstyle: Makes sense. We should probably do it in a dynamic way, so that all the advanced parameters can be enumerated by the FC in an ordered / grouped fashion, with range and explanation added, and then dynamically build the tuning tab from this. This way new parameters will be picked up without an update of the configurator.

borisbstyle commented 8 years ago

I have no idea about the name guys.

flight something ?

skaman82 commented 8 years ago

to bad raceflight is already taken :(

deepimpact commented 8 years ago

RotorFlight On May 26, 2016 8:15 AM, "borisbstyle" wrote:

I have no idea about the name guys.

flight something ?

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skaman82 commented 8 years ago

RaceOS DroneFlight or DroneFight :) PowerFlight

borisbstyle commented 8 years ago

@skaman82 raceflight refers to only racing. I really want to have general acro optimised firmware not only for racing, but for freestyle or any kind of mini quad fun.

skaman82 commented 8 years ago

SmoothFlight FunFlight CoolFlight FreeFlight AcroFlight

...just thinking loud..

deepimpact commented 8 years ago

PeakFlight ApexFlight MaxFlight RushFlight AdrenoFlight FluxFlight FlowFlight On May 26, 2016 9:51 AM, "Albert Kravcov" wrote:

SmoothFlight FunFlight CoolFlight FreeFlight

...just thinking loud..

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lkaino commented 8 years ago

Since it's no longer beta it should be Finalflight

borisbstyle commented 8 years ago

@Ikaino Haha....finalflight sounds like it is going to crash when you flash it :D

skaman82 commented 8 years ago

Seriously, why not AcroFlight? - so it is crystal clear what it is focused on.

flounderscore commented 8 years ago

I would think twice before changing an established "brand" name...

robschii commented 8 years ago

Dream flight, fly smooth fly hard. Dream and fly

Ark0N commented 8 years ago

Betaflight is going into the direction of a smart flight software that is doing things more automatic like dynamic P. So I would call it SmartFlight or better Intelligence Flight (IF) or Advanced Flight (AF)

deepimpact commented 8 years ago

EatsYourFirstBorn Flight On May 26, 2016 10:59 AM, "Ark0N" wrote:

Betaflight is going into the direction of a smart flight software that is doing things more automatic like dynamic P. So I would call it SmartFlight or better Intelligence Flight (IF) or Advanced Flight (AF)

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schmiernippel commented 8 years ago

EpicFlight :-)

RipperDrone commented 8 years ago

I'm still in dispute with CLI: dumping back data never works with a complete file, it always has to be knocked down and fed in in several slabs. Never sure which part has been loaded and which hasn't. Being able to simply save/restore the full set of CLI features instead of having to go through the duplicate Restore and CLI paste work (which itself is tedious as explained above) would be big progress.

bagwan commented 8 years ago

How about Alphaflight? I think, Betalflight is the Alpha Leader in Fc Controller Software

RipperDrone commented 8 years ago

FreeFlight gets my backing - can be a shortcut for Freeride but also having the complete freedom of setting all available CLI options in the configurator ;-)

readerror67 commented 8 years ago

5 years too late on FreeFlight

le3dmax commented 8 years ago

@skaman82 I like RaceOS

RipperDrone commented 8 years ago

PaceFlight (then we have Base, Race & Pace ;-)

RipperDrone commented 8 years ago

BBFlight, put your nickname initials in

timFinn commented 8 years ago

MultiFlight LaserFlight ProFlight SharkFlight

mikeller commented 8 years ago


I'm still in dispute with CLI: dumping back data never works with a complete file, it always has to be knocked down and fed in in several slabs. Never sure which part has been loaded and which hasn't. Being able to simply save/restore the full set of CLI features instead of having to go through the duplicate Restore and CLI paste work (which itself is tedious as explained above) would be big progress.

The culprit in this is profile switching. The switch puts the FC off line for a while, and the data received during this time is lost. So to avoid it, you have to break up the dump into chunks right after profile switches, and hit enter to send between the chunks:

First chunk:

rxfail 17 h

# profile
profile 0

Next chunk:

############################# PROFILE VALUES ####################################

set yaw_p_limit = 500

And so on.

nathantsoi commented 8 years ago

Wow. Naming is a hard question @borisbstyle... sorry for the short novel, I've been thinking about this for a while... The last paragraph sums it up if you want to skip there

Thinking about naming w/ the Flight suffix vs without, I think the rename from MultiWii to BaseFlight indicated a huge shift in capability. In the same way the renaming of BaseFlight to CleanFlight indicated only a small shift in capability, whereas the upgrade from CleanFlight to BetaFlight was again a huge performance improvement. I think the new name should indicate a commensurate increase in performance, therefore I suggest we drop the Flight suffix and make the name amazing in itself :)

Going back to the name in general, I usually try to name software after other things (likely from mythology) so that associations in the users' mind of the latter are conferred to the former.

I started by looking at Dutch mythology, in homage to Boris' home country, and found out about, while an awesome name, I'm not sure about the universal pronounceability of names like this? Mythical names in general may suffer from this problem.

So I read a bit more about and the VOC where I found some awesome names under the notable ship list, like Vergulde Draeck, but again, this is hard to say and hard to explain.

Then I read a bit of, inspired by STmicrocontroller, but didn't find anything interesting there...

So I pivoted themes a bit and looked up the fastest ships in sci-fi, which got me thinking, "is the improbability drive really that fast? And if it exists everywhere at once, should I be thinking less linearly?" So I went to bed.

I woke up thinking about birds. A friend pointed out that a hummingbird has the ability to hover and, among birds, probably the most precise control of their flight. Google translate tells me that In Dutch, "hummingbird" is “Kolibrie” which seems cool, but there is already a colibri flight controller. The hawk, predator of the sky, is “Havik” in Dutch, which is really cool. Also “Alder” or eagle in German… but that seems over-used.

Unless any of these ideas have mass appeal, my search for the ultimate name for the ultimate firmware continues...

Ok. After dinner and a beer, I think mythology may be the way to go, but something more pronounceable like... Pegasus. I bet an awesome designer like @JackReis could make us a better logo than these...



I would say we should name it Pink Pegasus, but I can’t see myself saying to someone, “Are you using the Pink Pegasus firmware for your Naze?” but IMHO, “I fly Pegasus,” sounds pretty awesome... Other dude: "What you fly a Pegasus?" Me: "No, I fly Pegasus, the firmware formerly known as BetaFlight..."

If none of those ideas sound awesome to y'all, let's go with Flighty McFlightFace

RC-Slater commented 8 years ago



mikeller commented 8 years ago

Totally Pegasus.

RipperDrone commented 8 years ago

@mikeller Thank you for shedding some light on the CLI chunks due to profile switching - gave me a great Heureka moment ;-)

smiling-Jack commented 8 years ago

Dragon Flight with a cool logo like this index

nathantsoi commented 8 years ago

hum... awesome or terrible...


skaman82 commented 8 years ago

Well... I would go with terrible. But maybe its just me :)

smiling-Jack commented 8 years ago

No its not only you ! It is terrible.