Closed trendab closed 6 years ago
Does logging at 2khz make any difference? I can't open this log either.
Did not try 2khz, but I tried 500mhz, that did not work, neither.
If it helps, is related with the P interval
H P interval:0/1
I think the zero is not correct, at least the explorer does not use it correctly. I changed this 0/1
by 1/2
in the two occurrences of this element, and the log is opened without problem.
I don't understand what represents this value, so I don't know what will be the correct value.
Can someone explain what represents this?
It has something to do with the blackbox rate:
In the past I have seen 1.5khz logs fail to open in this manner (not sure if it was 3.3 or 3.4) and recently another user had a log at 1.5khz that wouldn't open. I have this log, will attach it.
Same problem: H P interval:0/1
I've found the description of this: but I'm not too sure if I can understand enough to solve the problem.
It seems editing the BB file is kind of volatile (microsoft notepad breaks it, sublime text sort of breaks it but not totally)
I've taking a look at the code, and I think the problem has something to do with rounding some values.
With a looptime of 125, the I interval is 256, and the P interval denom is 1, not zero. But with a looptime of 126, that is what your log shows, the I interval is 253 and results in a denom of 0, creating this problem. What I don't know why your looptime is 126 and not 125.
EDIT: I'm wrong, the second log is 125. :(
I need to go out, but if someone is interested, the problem is here:
Depending of the values in the blackbox of P denom
and I interval
the first function gives a value < 1, being and integer is rounded to zero, producing all this problem. Maybe we must multiply numerator and denominator by blackboxIInterval
to be sure they remain as >= 1.
If I'm not wrong the P interval
is the number of gyro loop cycles that must pass before we capture a blackbox frame (I or P).
If that is true, @trendab in your Blackbox file you must replace the two occurrences of P interval
by 1/7
. I've do it and all seems ok. @flint723 in your Blackbox file you must use 1/5
You can change this values with Notepad++, for example.
I will try to make a "first version" PR today to talk about this to see if my thoughts are right.
@trendab @flint723 I've built firmware versions with a patch for the Blackbox. Could you test it?
Wow, thanks a lot! Will try this afternoon.
@McGiverGim Thank you, Sir, it works for me! Not entirely sure what you did, but it did the trick. Thanks, again!
Happy to hear it :) I don't know if the solution will work for everybody, I've pushed a PR and I will discuss the details with the others developers to get to a final conclusion.
The log I posted wasn't mine, I've told him about this firmware but not heard back if he tested it.
I don't have any boards with those targets.
I'll try to build my own target (omnibusF4) but I'm new at doing it.
Sorry, I didn't notice that. I'm out, I can try to build it for you in some hours.
@flint723 I've added a firmware for you
Thanks, I've tested it just now, definitely seems to have worked. 1.5khz logs before and after firmware
PR merged, it will be available in 3.3.2 or current master ;)
It will need the a new release of the Blackbox Explorer because the official change is slightly different than what I build for yours.
I can't open the blackbox logs from my KakuteF4 V2 board, they freeze the blackbox explorer.
Logging at 1khz on 8/8. Tried Betaflight and Cleanflight BB explorer 3.0.0 RC1 as well as the butterflight explorer built into the configurator - all freeze when I try opening BB logs from this FC. They work fine with log files from other FCs. I posted this as an issue on the BB explorer page - mikeller said it may be a firmware issue and I should post here. Diff and log file below. Thanks