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BF 4.0 - CLRacing F4 motors 1 and 2 not spinning (Dshot Bidir) #5

Closed RadomirJ closed 5 years ago

RadomirJ commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug After installing BF4.0 dev build 1504 and RC1 too and blheli FW 32.6.7 , with bidirectional dshot and rpm filters enabled, motor 1 and motor 2 doesn`t spin. When I disable dshot_bidir all motors spin correctly.

To Reproduce install BF4.0 dev version 1504 and blheli FW 32.6.7 , enable bidirectional dshot and rpm filters.

Expected behavior After arming motor 1 and 2 does`t spin.

Flight controller configuration

# diff all

# version
# Betaflight / CLRACINGF4 (CLR4) 4.0.0 Mar 10 2019 / 10:18:21 (95c6b52c8) MSP API: 1.41

board_name CLRACINGF4
mcu_id 005000295848500f20323852

# reset configuration to default settings
defaults nosave

# start the command batch
batch start

# name
name chamTi

# resources

# timer

# dma

# mixer

# servo

# servo mix

# feature

# beeper

# beacon

# map
map TAER1234

# serial
serial 0 64 115200 57600 0 115200
serial 3 8192 115200 57600 0 115200

# led

# color

# mode_color

# aux
aux 0 0 0 1600 2100 0 0
aux 1 13 1 1600 2100 0 0
aux 2 35 3 1600 2100 0 0
aux 3 49 2 1600 2100 0 0

# adjrange

# rxrange

# vtx

# rxfail

# display_name

# master
set gyro_sync_denom = 2
set dyn_notch_range = MEDIUM
set dyn_notch_width_percent = 0
set dyn_notch_q = 250
set dyn_lpf_gyro_max_hz = 575
set acc_calibration = -7,87,-56
set rssi_channel = 16
set serialrx_provider = SBUS
set dshot_bidir = ON
set motor_pwm_protocol = DSHOT600
set ibata_scale = 188
set yaw_motors_reversed = ON
set deadband = 4
set yaw_deadband = 4
set pid_process_denom = 1
set thrust_linear = 40
set osd_warn_core_temp = OFF
set osd_warn_rc_smoothing = OFF
set osd_warn_fail_safe = OFF
set osd_warn_launch_control = OFF
set osd_warn_no_gps_rescue = OFF
set osd_warn_gps_rescue_disabled = OFF
set osd_rssi_alarm = 40
set osd_cap_alarm = 1100
set osd_vbat_pos = 2465
set osd_rssi_pos = 2081
set osd_vtx_channel_pos = 2103
set osd_current_pos = 2486
set osd_mah_drawn_pos = 2476
set osd_battery_usage_pos = 2089
set osd_stat_rtc_date_time = ON
set debug_mode = RPM_FILTER
set scheduler_optimize_rate = ON
set vtx_channel = 8
set vtx_freq = 5880

# profile
profile 0

set dterm_lowpass2_hz = 0
set vbat_pid_gain = ON
set iterm_rotation = ON
set iterm_relax_type = GYRO
set p_pitch = 42
set i_pitch = 110
set d_pitch = 36
set f_pitch = 95
set p_roll = 38
set i_roll = 105
set d_roll = 33
set f_roll = 90
set p_yaw = 30
set i_yaw = 110
set f_yaw = 40
set d_min_roll = 27
set d_min_pitch = 0
set d_min_boost_gain = 35

# profile
profile 1

# profile
profile 2

# restore original profile selection
profile 0

# rateprofile
rateprofile 0

set roll_rc_rate = 140
set pitch_rc_rate = 140
set yaw_rc_rate = 120
set roll_expo = 19
set pitch_expo = 19
set yaw_expo = 25
set roll_srate = 74
set pitch_srate = 74
set yaw_srate = 72
set tpa_rate = 80
set tpa_breakpoint = 1850

# rateprofile
rateprofile 1

# rateprofile
rateprofile 2

# rateprofile
rateprofile 3

# rateprofile
rateprofile 4

# rateprofile
rateprofile 5

# restore original rateprofile selection
rateprofile 0

# save configuration

Setup / Versions

Flight controller CL racing F4 AIO Other components RX R9mini, VTX: Tramp HV, ESC: Spedix GS30A, FW: 32.6.7

joelucid commented 5 years ago

Please install the config snippet linked from the table at the bottom of for your flight controller.

netzwergracer commented 5 years ago

I can confirm this exact same issue on CLRACINGF4 board running BF4.0 dev build 1507 and blheli32 FW 32.6.7 using the snippets config. Motor 1 and 2 are not spinning with BLHeli32 bidir on.

I would like to add: When reading settings in BLHeliSuite32, Motor 1 and 2 show "input motor protocol: unknown" whereas Motor 3 and 4 show "input motor protocol: DShot" as it should.

mikeller commented 5 years ago

@RadomirJ: Can you please test if this problem exists with bidirectional Dshot disabled? If not, then this should be moved into

netzwergracer commented 5 years ago

I'm not RadomirJ, but the problem does not exist with dshot_bidir=off on CLRACINGF4. With bidirectional Dshot disabled, all 4 motors are spinning (BF dev build 1507 and BLHeli32 32.6.7).

RadomirJ commented 5 years ago

I confirm comment from netzwergracer , All motors spinnig correctly after enable command dshot_bidir=off.

joelucid commented 5 years ago

There was an issue with this yesterday, but that was fixed. Could you try this again with the most recent snippet?

# m1-m4 usable

timer b00 1
timer b01 1
dma pin b00 0
dma pin b01 0

timer b04 none
timer b08 none
dma pin b04 none
dma pin b08 none

set scheduler_optimize_rate=on
set dshot_burst=off
set dshot_bidir=on

set dyn_notch_width_percent = 0
set dyn_notch_range = medium
set dyn_notch_q = 250

set gyro_lowpass_hz = 150
set dyn_lpf_gyro_min_hz = 150
set dyn_lpf_gyro_max_hz = 575

set dterm_lowpass2_hz = 0

set d_min_pitch=29
set d_min_roll=27
set d_min_boost_gain=35

set debug_mode=rpm_filter

set motor_pwm_protocol=DSHOT600
set gyro_sync_denom = 2
set pid_process_denom = 1

supiiik commented 5 years ago

Same problem here :) CLracing F4s With set dshot_burst=off motors 1 and 2 are not visible even in blheli with set dshot_burst=on is everything ok (but bidirectional DSHOT not working)

joelucid commented 5 years ago

@supiik, did you install according to the instructions in In particular did you paste the config snippet at into the CLI?

supiiik commented 5 years ago

Seems to be working fine now with BF 4.0 RC2

netzwergracer commented 5 years ago

Yes I can confirm that, the new snippet works on latest BF 4.0 build.

joelucid commented 5 years ago

Thanks guys that is good news!

joelucid commented 5 years ago

@mikeller this is happening again with RC2. It looks like all configuration is correct but two motors don't spin. Here's output of timer:

# timer
timer B09 1
timer B00 1
timer B01 1
timer A03 0
timer A02 0

Here's dma:

# dma
dma SPI_TX 2 0
# SPI_TX 2: DMA1 Stream 4 Channel 0
dma ADC 1 1
# ADC 1: DMA2 Stream 4 Channel 0
dma pin B00 0
# pin B00: DMA1 Stream 7 Channel 5
dma pin B01 0
# pin B01: DMA1 Stream 2 Channel 5
dma pin A03 1
# pin A03: DMA1 Stream 6 Channel 3
dma pin A02 0
# pin A02: DMA1 Stream 1 Channel 3

Here are the individual timer options:

# timer b00 list
# 0. TIM1 CH2
# 1. TIM3 CH3
# 2. TIM8 CH2

# timer b01 list
# 0. TIM1 CH3
# 1. TIM3 CH4
# 2. TIM8 CH3

# timer a03 list
# 0. TIM2 CH4
# 1. TIM5 CH4
# 2. TIM9 CH2

# timer a02 list
# 0. TIM2 CH3
# 1. TIM5 CH3
# 2. TIM9 CH1

This is the exact same as the static config which is known to work:

const timerHardware_t timerHardware[USABLE_TIMER_CHANNEL_COUNT] = {


    DEF_TIM(TIM3,  CH3,  PB0, TIM_USE_MOTOR,               0, 0), // M1 - D2_ST6
    DEF_TIM(TIM3,  CH4,  PB1, TIM_USE_MOTOR,               0, 0), // M2_OUT D2_ST2
    DEF_TIM(TIM2,  CH4,  PA3, TIM_USE_MOTOR,               0, 1), // M3_OUT D1_ST6
    DEF_TIM(TIM2,  CH3,  PA2, TIM_USE_MOTOR,               0, 0), // M4_OUT D1_ST1

//    DEF_TIM(TIM3,  CH1,  PB4, TIM_USE_BEEPER,              0, 0), // BEEPER PWM
//    DEF_TIM(TIM4,  CH3,  PB8, TIM_USE_MOTOR | TIM_USE_LED, 0, 0), // LED & MOTOR5 D1_ST7


The dshot code needs to enable the used channel and how that's done differs by channel type (N channel different from normal channel). Could it be that the timer config commands don't propagate that info correctly?

joelucid commented 5 years ago

Looking at the "normal" config for clracingf4:

const timerHardware_t timerHardware[USABLE_TIMER_CHANNEL_COUNT] = {


    DEF_TIM(TIM1,  CH2N, PB0, TIM_USE_MOTOR,               0, 0), // M1 - D2_ST6
    DEF_TIM(TIM8,  CH3N, PB1, TIM_USE_MOTOR,               0, 0), // M2_OUT D2_ST2
    DEF_TIM(TIM2,  CH4,  PA3, TIM_USE_MOTOR,               0, 1), // M3_OUT D1_ST6
    DEF_TIM(TIM2,  CH3,  PA2, TIM_USE_MOTOR,               0, 0), // M4_OUT D1_ST1

    DEF_TIM(TIM3,  CH1,  PB4, TIM_USE_BEEPER,              0, 0), // BEEPER PWM
    DEF_TIM(TIM4,  CH3,  PB8, TIM_USE_MOTOR | TIM_USE_LED, 0, 0), // LED & MOTOR5 D1_ST7


This does show that two N channels get remapped to normal channels in the snippet. If these timers still have the N channel flag after importing the snippet one would expect two motors not to spin.

joelucid commented 5 years ago

Looked at the code a bit. I'm having trouble understanding this:

const timerHardware_t *timerGetByTagAndIndex(ioTag_t ioTag, unsigned timerIndex)
    if (!ioTag) {
        return NULL;

    uint8_t index = 1;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < TIMER_CHANNEL_COUNT; i++) {
        if (TIMER_HARDWARE[i].tag == ioTag) {
            if (index == timerIndex || timerIndex == 0) {
                return &TIMER_HARDWARE[i];

    return NULL;

Seems like this will return the first timer instance whether timerIndex is 0 or 1. Tried the obvious fixes but they made things even worse. Paging @mikeller ...

mikeller commented 5 years ago

@joelucid: Not my code, I think this was added by @jflyper. But the timer index in timerIOConfig() is 1 based (0 being the default 'unconfigured'), so 0 should never be supplied as timerIndex. in current code. I wasn't sure if the original author had any intention of using 0 as 'give me any timer for this pin', so I left the || timerIndex == 0 in when extending this.

joelucid commented 5 years ago

@mikeller does that mean that the index in the "timer pin" command should also start with 1?

mikeller commented 5 years ago

No, it is offset before being read / written in CLI:

jflyper commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to recall what timerGetByTagAndIndex should do ...

mikeller commented 5 years ago

@jflyper: It used to be timerGetByTag() I think, and then I refactored it to make it possible to get timers that are not registered in timerIOConfig(). So in retrospect the timerIndex == 0 probably never made sense in the original form, as timerIOConfig() is 1 based, and timer assignments with index 0 are not stored in it.

SebiWolze commented 5 years ago

Contact me in Slack (sebiwolze) if you need anything tested. Got the Bardwell F4 AiO V2.

SebiWolze commented 5 years ago

Just for your interest: It´s still not working with the bardwell F4 V2 - The target CLRacing F4 is the same, but something isn´t like in the normal Target.

supiiik commented 5 years ago

Oh no, I just found, that it's still not working on CLracingF4 too. I somehow set it up with bidir=on and all motors was spining, but I forgot to check, if also RPM is received. Today I found, that there is 100% invalid packets from DSHOT :(

rabsfpv commented 5 years ago

I had a problem with the same CLRACINGF4 target using the older Bardwell board (v1.1 it is called I think). In order to get bidir working for it I had to free the resource B04 (beeper) and B08 (which I had on softserial SERIAL TX 11). Once that was done I was able to successfully validate using timer/dma snippet. My ESC hex was 32.6.7 for Airbot_Wraith32_ST_Multi_32_67.

Here's my current resource:


resource MOTOR 1 B00 resource MOTOR 2 B01 resource MOTOR 3 A03 resource MOTOR 4 A02 resource SERIAL_TX 1 A09 resource SERIAL_TX 3 B10 resource SERIAL_TX 4 A00 resource SERIAL_TX 6 C06 resource SERIAL_RX 1 A10 resource SERIAL_RX 3 B11 resource SERIAL_RX 4 A01 resource SERIAL_RX 6 C07 resource INVERTER 1 C00 resource LED 1 B05 resource SPI_SCK 1 A05 resource SPI_SCK 2 B13 resource SPI_SCK 3 C10 resource SPI_MISO 1 A06 resource SPI_MISO 2 B14 resource SPI_MISO 3 C11 resource SPI_MOSI 1 A07 resource SPI_MOSI 2 B15 resource SPI_MOSI 3 C12 resource ESCSERIAL 1 B09 resource CAMERA_CONTROL 1 B09 resource ADC_BATT 1 C02 resource ADC_RSSI 1 C03 resource ADC_CURR 1 C01 resource SDCARD_CS 1 B12 resource SDCARD_DETECT 1 B07 resource FLASH_CS 1 B03 resource OSD_CS 1 A15 resource GYRO_EXTI 1 C04 resource GYRO_CS 1 A04 resource USB_DETECT 1 C05

and rpm bidir status:


MCU F40X Clock=168MHz (PLLP-HSE), Vref=3.30V, Core temp=41degC Stack size: 2048, Stack address: 0x1000fff0 Config size: 3017, Max available config: 16384 GYRO=MPU6000, ACC=MPU6000 System Uptime: 57 seconds, Current Time: 2019-03-19T01:14:39.920+00:00 CPU:21%, cycle time: 289, GYRO rate: 3460, RX rate: 110, System rate: 9 Voltage: 1552 * 0.01V (4S battery - OK) I2C Errors: 0 SD card: None inserted Arming disable flags: CLI Dshot reads: 798916 Dshot invalid pkts: 0 Dshot irq micros: 3 Dshot RPM Motor 0: 244 Dshot RPM Motor 1: 252 Dshot RPM Motor 2: 246 Dshot RPM Motor 3: 253 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

gvhlaw commented 5 years ago

I can confirm that I had the same problem on Bardwell’s CLRacingF4 V2 - Motors 1 and 2 did not spin with bidir on and burst off. This was on 32.67. I flashed RC2, pasted my diff all, and then applied the Snippet - everything works great with bidir on or off. We discovered that a there is a reset all function in a “diff all” such that pasting it after making the timer and dma changes causes problems. I also reverted to 32.6 without saving configurations, reconfigured the ESC’S, then flashed 32.65. No more problems. Other pilots experienced the same problem when pasting a diff after pasting the snippet - and 32.67 may be part of the problem as well. Of interest, when I flashed a dedicated RPM hex for the CLRacingF4 from Joe Lucid’s F7 repo and activated RPM, the resulting PT Noise Graph demonstrated that the RPM filters were NOT working even though enabled.

supiiik commented 5 years ago

Still not working. I have also did free B04 and B08, but the result is same

# status
MCU F40X Clock=168MHz (PLLP-HSE), Vref=3.27V, Core temp=46degC
Stack size: 2048, Stack address: 0x1000fff0
Config size: 3017, Max available config: 16384
System Uptime: 55 seconds, Current Time: 2019-03-19T08:50:48.090+00:00
CPU:14%, cycle time: 249, GYRO rate: 4016, RX rate: 33, System rate: 9
Voltage: 1181 * 0.01V (3S battery - OK)
I2C Errors: 0
SD card: None inserted
Arming disable flags: CLI
Dshot reads: 25
Dshot invalid pkts: 25
Dshot irq micros: 2
Dshot RPM Motor 0: 0
Dshot RPM Motor 1: 0
Dshot RPM Motor 2: 0
Dshot RPM Motor 3: 0
7 7 7 7 14 14 14 14 14 14 7 7 7 7 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 

All 4 motors are spinning, but 100% packets are invalid

gvhlaw commented 5 years ago

@supiik - try plugging the battery into the quad before you connect it to Betaflight and see if that makes a difference. Keep your props off.

SebiWolze commented 5 years ago

Has somebody found a real workaround yet? I pasted the snippet after I pasted the diff all. Battery on off -> still the same problem.

netzwergracer commented 5 years ago

On my Bardwell F4 V2 it works flawlessly. Set up BF 4.0 from scratch, then added the snippet.

On the Wiki page for 4.0 it reads in large and bold letters: "IMPORTANT NOTE : SET 4.0 up from scratch! DO NOT PASTE OLD DUMPS INTO THE CLI!"

supiiik commented 5 years ago

Wirking if I use sniped and free BEEPER 1 resource (beeper is constantly beepeng now)

# status
MCU F40X Clock=168MHz (PLLP-HSE), Vref=3.27V, Core temp=50degC
Stack size: 2048, Stack address: 0x1000fff0
Config size: 3017, Max available config: 16384
System Uptime: 36 seconds, Current Time: 2019-03-20T07:58:30.417+00:00
CPU:15%, cycle time: 248, GYRO rate: 4032, RX rate: 33, System rate: 10
Voltage: 1179 * 0.01V (3S battery - OK)
I2C Errors: 0
SD card: None inserted
Arming disable flags: CLI
Dshot reads: 463425
Dshot invalid pkts: 0
Dshot irq micros: 3
Dshot RPM Motor 0: 53
Dshot RPM Motor 1: 61
Dshot RPM Motor 2: 65
Dshot RPM Motor 3: 69
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 

# resource
resource MOTOR 1 B00
resource MOTOR 2 B01
resource MOTOR 3 A03
resource MOTOR 4 A02
resource MOTOR 5 B08
resource LED_STRIP 1 B08
resource SERIAL_TX 1 A09
resource SERIAL_TX 3 B10
resource SERIAL_TX 4 A00
resource SERIAL_TX 6 C06
resource SERIAL_RX 1 A10
resource SERIAL_RX 3 B11
resource SERIAL_RX 4 A01
resource SERIAL_RX 6 C07
resource INVERTER 1 C00
resource LED 1 B05
resource SPI_SCK 1 A05
resource SPI_SCK 2 B13
resource SPI_SCK 3 C10
resource SPI_MISO 1 A06
resource SPI_MISO 2 B14
resource SPI_MISO 3 C11
resource SPI_MOSI 1 A07
resource SPI_MOSI 2 B15
resource SPI_MOSI 3 C12
resource ESCSERIAL 1 B09
resource CAMERA_CONTROL 1 B09
resource ADC_BATT 1 C02
resource ADC_RSSI 1 C03
resource ADC_CURR 1 C01
resource SDCARD_CS 1 B12
resource SDCARD_DETECT 1 B07
resource FLASH_CS 1 B03
resource OSD_CS 1 A15
resource GYRO_EXTI 1 C04
resource GYRO_CS 1 A04
resource USB_DETECT 1 C05

# timer
timer B09 1
timer B00 1
timer B01 1
timer A03 0
timer A02 0

# dma
dma SPI_TX 2 0
# SPI_TX 2: DMA1 Stream 4 Channel 0
dma ADC 1 1
# ADC 1: DMA2 Stream 4 Channel 0
dma pin B00 0
# pin B00: DMA1 Stream 7 Channel 5
dma pin B01 0
# pin B01: DMA1 Stream 2 Channel 5
dma pin A03 1
# pin A03: DMA1 Stream 6 Channel 3
dma pin A02 0
# pin A02: DMA1 Stream 1 Channel 3

# diff

# version
# Betaflight / CLRACINGF4 (CLR4) 4.0.0 Mar 14 2019 / 11:05:31 (360afd96d) MSP API: 1.41

# start the command batch
batch start

board_name CLRACINGF4

# name

# resources
resource BEEPER 1 NONE

# timer
timer B00 1
timer B01 1

# dma

# mixer

# servo

# servo mix

# feature

# beeper

# beacon

# map

# serial

# led

# color

# mode_color

# aux

# adjrange

# rxrange

# vtx

# rxfail

# display_name

# master
set gyro_sync_denom = 2
set gyro_lowpass_hz = 0
set gyro_lowpass2_hz = 150
set dyn_notch_width_percent = 0
set dyn_notch_q = 250
set dyn_lpf_gyro_min_hz = 0
set dshot_bidir = ON
set motor_pwm_protocol = DSHOT600
set beeper_frequency = 0
set pid_process_denom = 1
set debug_mode = RPM_FILTER
set scheduler_optimize_rate = ON

# profile
profile 0

set dterm_lowpass2_hz = 0
set d_min_roll = 27
set d_min_pitch = 29
set d_min_boost_gain = 35

# rateprofile
rateprofile 0

# end the command batch
batch end
netzwergracer commented 5 years ago

On my quad BiDir RPM filter and beeper both work. No need to free beeper 1 resource.

  1. Set up BF 4.0 from scratch
  2. set beeper_frequency = 0
  3. paste snippet into CLI
supiiik commented 5 years ago

It seems, that original snipet is working fine. Maybe problem was, that I plugged USB first. Only LEDs are not working together with dshot bidir...

SebiWolze commented 5 years ago

I had sooo much problems with RPM Filter and now that worked:

Set up BF 4.0 from scratch set beeper_frequency = 0 paste snippet into CLI

Thank you all!

Arming disable flags: CLI Dshot reads: 157380 Dshot invalid pkts: 0 Dshot irq micros: 2 Dshot RPM Motor 0: 0 Dshot RPM Motor 1: 0 Dshot RPM Motor 2: 0 Dshot RPM Motor 3: 0

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

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stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

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