betagouv / SPPNautSPO

Generator and S3 interface for SPPNaut Startup
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incremental-sync - CalledProcessError subprocess in check_returncode #39

Open kolok opened 1 year ago

kolok commented 1 year ago

cf. Sentry CalledProcessError issue cf. Sentry CalledProcessError event

AWSCLI: warning: Skipping file \\smb-psm\DATA_NA\commun-na\echanges-na\OuvragesEnPreparation\referentiel\c5p\xml\document.xml. File/Directory is not readable.

However, when we checked 1 hour later, the files was well sync and the file was readable (using os.access)

kolok commented 1 year ago

@gaelroue29 : can you extract incremental-sync logs from Jenkins 7.15 am utc the 10th of March

gaelroue29 commented 1 year ago

En PJ incremental_sync_PREPARATION_230310.txt incremental_sync_PRODUCTION_230310.txt