betamaxpy / betamax

A VCR imitation designed only for python-requests.
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improve documentation on placeholders for uri substitution #196

Open kratsg opened 2 years ago

kratsg commented 2 years ago

Betamax supports uri substitution ( however you might typically need to quote the string you're looking for first. E.G. something like this

from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs, quote

def filter_requests(interaction, current_cassette):
    token = parse_qs(urlparse(['request']['uri']).query).get('authz')

    if token is not None:
                placeholder='EOS_TOKEN', replace=quote(token[0])

with betamax.Betamax.configure() as config:
    config.default_cassette_options['serialize_with'] = 'prettyjson'

It would be nice if betamax checked for the quoted value as well, because you don't get it at the time of filtering the requests through the interaction?

sigmavirus24 commented 2 years ago

Is this a docs issue or a feature request? It's hard to tell.

kratsg commented 2 years ago

Is this a docs issue or a feature request? It's hard to tell.

I'm showing code example of how to get around this for now, but it's not clear if this should be a feature request or not. I've waffled because I think betamax is doing the right thing in taking the string provided by the user and looking for it. I would be a little worried if it started replacing strings I didn't specify exactly.

kratsg commented 2 years ago

Also somewhat related -- the placeholder functionality will not replace anything in response bodies that were base64-encoded (which is another gotcha).