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Parent directory is added to given certs path #279

Open yorickvanzweeden opened 4 years ago

yorickvanzweeden commented 4 years ago


        certs = self.certs or "/certs/"
        ssl_path = os.path.join(os.pardir, certs)
            cert_path = os.listdir(ssl_path)

If given an absolute path, nothing changes. If given a relative path, the parent directory is added. Adding the parent directory seems confusing to me, as I would expect I should give the path relative from the working directory.

I appear to not be the only one:

Can this be changed or atleast mentioned in the README?

Example: projectdir |--- betfair |--- _ |--- certs/

I would expect to give the argument './betfair/certs/', but this would lead to '../betfair/certs'. To account for this, I would have to put in 'project_dir/betfair/certs/', leading to '../project_dir/betfair/certs'. As my working directory is project_dir, it seems like I am referring to 'project_dir/project_dir/betfair/certs'

liampauling commented 4 years ago

Welcome any PR's to the readme or code

mzaja commented 1 year ago

@liampauling What went wrong with this pull request? I can see it was closed rather than merged after being open for 1.5 years.

liampauling commented 1 year ago

My comments where not addressed so I guess I just closed to clean it up, happy to reopen once all fixed

mzaja commented 1 year ago

Pull request opened: