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Unable to get Market Information of each Race. #25

Open abdulbarik opened 8 years ago

abdulbarik commented 8 years ago

I am using REST API to get market info of each Race. I have "marketID" "WIN" also have all the details of each race, I didn't get any proper call to get market info of each race. I have tried with end point "listMarketCatalogue" and "listMarketBook" but didn't get any luck.

mgwalm commented 8 years ago

This is a sample from my code which works. however why it isn't working could be more complex than this. ` private async Task LoadFullCatalogue() { var marketFilter = new MarketFilter();

  ISet<string> ids = new HashSet<string>();
  ids.Add(_marketId); // the market i want
  marketFilter.MarketIds = ids;

  ISet<MarketProjection> marketProjections = new HashSet<MarketProjection>();
  const string MaxResults = "1";
  const MarketSort MarketSort = MarketSort.FIRST_TO_START;

    var marketCatalogues = await JsonRpcClient.Instance.ListMarketCatalogue(marketFilter, marketProjections, MarketSort, MaxResults);

    // add marked id to each runner
    if (marketCatalogues.Count > 0)
      MarketCatalogue = marketCatalogues[0];
      foreach (var runner in MarketCatalogue.Runners)
        runner.MarketId = MarketCatalogue.MarketId;
        runner.EventDescription = MarketCatalogue.FullDescription;
  catch (Exception ex)


mgwalm commented 8 years ago

Also the marketProjections specify what data you want. so what exactly do you want?

mgwalm commented 8 years ago

An example of listMarketBook ` // get the market book var ids = new List { MarketCatalogue?.MarketId }; var priceProj = new PriceProjection { Virtualise = true, //?? PriceData = new HashSet() }; priceProj.PriceData.Add(PriceData.EX_BEST_OFFERS);

    StatusMessage = $"Refreshing {MarketCatalogue?.FullDescription}...";
    _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    var books = await JsonRpcClient.Instance.ListMarketBook(ids, priceProj, OrderProjection.EXECUTABLE, MatchProjection.ROLLED_UP_BY_AVG_PRICE, _cancellationTokenSource);
    if (books.Count > 0)
      MarketBook = books[0];

      Runners = new ObservableCollection<Runner>(MarketBook.Runners);


abdulbarik commented 8 years ago

I have all events of eventType "7" in my DB, I just want a cronJob in every 15 mins. to get market information of each event of "WIN" type. Here what I tried yet: URL: "" JSON value: {"filter": { "eventIds": ["26420387"], "marketIds": ["WIN"] }, "sort": "FIRST_TO_START", "maxResults": "100" }

But I am getting empty array every time.

Maybe I am doing something wrong to get this stuff. Please suggest me what I should do to get my task.


mgwalm commented 8 years ago

"marketIds": ["WIN"] is not correct, it should contain the id of a market.

I think it should be "marketTypeCodes": [ "WIN", "PLACE" ],

mgwalm commented 8 years ago

For example ` var marketFilter = new MarketFilter(); var time = new TimeRange(); time.From = DateTime.Now; time.To = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

  ISet<string> eventypeIds = new HashSet<string>();

  marketFilter.EventTypeIds = eventypeIds;
  marketFilter.MarketStartTime = time;
  //marketFilter.MarketCountries = new HashSet<string>
  //                                   {
  //                                     "UK"
  //                                   };
  marketFilter.MarketTypeCodes = new HashSet<string>

  var marketSort = MarketSort.FIRST_TO_START;
  var maxResults = "550";

  ISet<MarketProjection> marketProjections = new HashSet<MarketProjection>();

    StatusMessage = $"Getting events for {eventType.Name}...";
    var marketCatalogues = await JsonRpcClient.Instance.ListMarketCatalogue(marketFilter, marketProjections, marketSort, maxResults);


abdulbarik commented 8 years ago

@mgwalm I just updated "key" with "marketTypeCodes", but still getting blank array.

Am I doing anything wrong in my API call?

mgwalm commented 8 years ago

no, I said you should be using market type codes instead of marketids

what language/environment are you using.

try to mimic my code into whatever you are using.

abdulbarik commented 8 years ago

I am integrating it with REST API. Thanks for your suggestion.

Tjorriemorrie commented 6 years ago

I am also getting a lot of empty lists. Using python's betfairlightweight.

    time_ago = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)
    time_fwd = + datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)
    mfilter = market_filter(
        event_type_ids=[ET_HORSE_RACING, ET_GREYHOUND_RACING],
    for i in range(10):
        res = trading.betting.list_market_catalogue(

The body is just empty the whole time 😞