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Fix analyzer warnings. #1

Closed ianegordon closed 10 years ago

ianegordon commented 10 years ago

Code gets cleanly through the analyzer now.

CFURLCreate… returns an NSString with a refcount of 1. So we need to __bridge to NSString and _transfer ownership to the caller. Methods with NSError* need to return a value (nil == fail : See NSError *, !nil == success).

Hope London is treating you well!

Cheers from SF, Ian

seanoshea commented 10 years ago

Cheers for that Ian. Hope SF is going well for you. Give us a shout the next time you're in London and we'll head for pints.

hypercrypt commented 10 years ago

They should check the error themselves. I don't think a third party library should do much (if any) logging. Especially not if it's open source.