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Update to swift #27

Open nathjyo opened 3 years ago

nathjyo commented 3 years ago

im assuming this project is dead but are there any plans to have a swift update considering objective is almost dead?, cheers

hypercrypt commented 3 years ago

The team that maintained this have all left, so I don’t think there will be much activity on this repo

nathjyo commented 3 years ago

iv got it kind of running, still playing around with it,

Am I wasting my time? are the files broken??

got these errors with the first run, will keep playing,

2020-11-10 15:10:43.372555+1100 BNGExampleApplication[12697:2925827] WF: === Starting WebFilter logging for process BNGExampleApplication 2020-11-10 15:10:43.372721+1100 BNGExampleApplication[12697:2925827] WF: _userSettingsForUser mobile: { filterBlacklist = ( ); filterWhitelist = ( ); restrictWeb = 1; useContentFilter = 0; useContentFilterOverrides = 0; whitelistEnabled = 0; } 2020-11-10 15:10:43.372879+1100 BNGExampleApplication[12697:2925827] WF: _WebFilterIsActive returning: NO 2020-11-10 15:10:44.913075+1100 BNGExampleApplication[12697:2925827] CFURLRequestSetHTTPCookieStorageAcceptPolicy_block_invoke: no longer implemented and should not be called