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Generate a local UUID for requests with a parent UUID for debug purposes #60

Closed pmvilaca closed 10 years ago

pmvilaca commented 10 years ago

At the moment, if service A needs to make 2 independent calls to service B, according the best-practices, service A should pass the UUID to service B.

That is useful to identify a global transaction but isn't so useful if we need to identify a single request. We can track the requests looking at the logs, timestamps, ... but that could be a problem if we have alerts based on that field.

eswdd commented 10 years ago

There was a suggestion a year ago that we derive new request uuids from passed in ones, such that they become unique but it is still possible to search on the parent. the intention was to append to the string of the parent uuid, but that could conceivably be considered to be an implementation choice of this request.

pmvilaca commented 10 years ago

I think that it's better to generate a new uuid and log that as a new field instead of appending something to the original uuid.. That would force us to apply a regex to extract the original uuid.

On Tuesday, January 7, 2014, Simon Matic Langford wrote:

There was a suggestion a year ago that we derive new request uuids from passed in ones, such that they become unique but it is still possible to search on the parent. the intention was to append to the string of the parent uuid, but that could conceivably be considered to be an implementation choice of this request.

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eswdd commented 10 years ago

Won't you have to use regex or some other configuration to extract the uuid anyway?

If we introduce a seperate uuid, then bear in mind that that will only be logged in one place alongside the parent (likely the request log since it's common to all transports). From the PoV of something like Zipkin which is automagically stitching things together and grabbing all available data this is simple, for a human you will always need to join across this single log to trace something, making scripts more complex.

The appending mechanism is actually quite an elegant solution since it helps in a number of styles of usage:

It's also not dissimilar to a mechanism we have in tracing events through the system - perhaps we should/could consider joining them. If we change the appending style from what I'd originally considered, namely just appending -1, -2, -3 to the current uuid when making a request, to including the hostname like we do for new uuids, then we know the exact location of the source (at least where it's something sharing the uuid scheme - and if it's not at least it will look different).

pmvilaca commented 10 years ago

Fair enough.. But I don't know how could we append the -1, -2, -... in the client side. Most of the times, there are requests to the same endpoints in parallel.

eswdd commented 10 years ago

And yet they all get passed the same RequestUUID - I see 2 choices here:

  1. Add a method to the request uuid to get a child one which uses an internal atomic integer or long
  2. Make the code create the sub-Requests prior to passing in to the cougar client - more code complexity but more control maybe?
pmvilaca commented 10 years ago
  1. We can do that in the code that sends the requests to other services (cougar client), assuming that original context is being used for those requests but that isn't valid for requests from the sites (I'm talking about Mantis). Those requests are creating ExecutionContext instances based using the UUID (already generated). Just to clarify.. With this option, you are suggesting that we invoke a method before sending the requests just to increment the number of the request (-1, -2, -...), right?
  2. I'm not sure about what you are trying to say.. Could you elaborate?

2014/1/8 Simon Matic Langford

And yet they all get passed the same RequestUUID - I see 2 choices here:

  1. Add a method to the request uuid to get a child one which uses an internal atomic integer or long
  2. Make the code create the sub-Requests prior to passing in to the cougar client - more code complexity but more control maybe?

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eswdd commented 10 years ago

I think you got the jist of it in 1.. the 2 choices here weren't really choices on re-reading, just different parts of the same thing.

I do think we should follow my suggestion to add the host as well as the -1, -2, but only if the uuid that we're creating from is not generated by this host (because there's wasn't one on the request).

e.g. I'm making a new request on host abc001:

pmvilaca commented 10 years ago

Sounds like a plan.. :) +1

eswdd commented 10 years ago

So I started looking at this this morning and there are some probs..

  1. Any change in what we send as uuid to legacy servers is going to hit the regexp limiting uuids to 20-50 characters, which is irritating.
  2. If we keep chaining info together, we're going to hit massive uuids within a few hops, and at some point we need to set a sensible limit.

Suggested solutions:

  1. We can meet the various requirements by having a triple component uuid, namely "root:parent:mine" which then allows us to set a sensible limit of (say) 150 characters.
  2. We can add some settings to our various clients which allow us to disable sending the root and parent component part uuids, which can be set until we know that servers have been upgraded.
eswdd commented 10 years ago

I wonder if the extended uuid should be sent in a new header alongside the legacy one, so that we don't have to have a config option - will have to consider impact on binary client..

pmvilaca commented 10 years ago

Thinking about the 2nd suggested solution, in fact, it's what we need for the zipkin implementation. If we decide to follow that approach half of the things needed to the zipkin integration will be implemented.

Just to clarify the origin of this issue.. I think that it was created after an internal discussion in betfair to define if the "Service A" should pass the same UUID to the "Service B" when it needs to invoke the service B multiple times in the same transaction. And the team that is responsible for the "Service B" doesn't want that the same UUID is used because there is a reporting tool based on the logs that assumes that one UUID represents only one transaction.

So, maybe we can implemented this issue and solve the debug problem and at the same time, make some progress for the zipkin adoption in cougar. What do you think?

2014-07-02 11:56 GMT+01:00 Simon Matic Langford

I wonder if the extended uuid should be sent in a new header alongside the legacy one, so that we don't have to have a config option - will have to consider impact on binary client..

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eswdd commented 10 years ago

That is precisely why I'm working on this now ;) Also hence the comments regarding the need for ExecutionContext changes for Zipkin integration. The only thing that seems a little rough around the edges is how to ensure the client doesn't send out the same uuid for multiple calls - at the moment it's up to the developer to pass a sub-uuid to the client when constructing the execution context..

pmvilaca commented 10 years ago

I think that we can delegate the generation of the sub-uuid to the cougar client. That way the developer should pass an ExecutionContext with the root uuid and with the current uuid and every time that it makes a call to the another cougar service using the cougar client, the client will pick the 2 original values and add a new one.

After that, when a cougar service receives call with the 3 values (root:parent:mine) it means that it's receiving a call that belongs to a on-going span.

Using this approach, the UUID that should be logged to represent the current implementation is the root uuid, and we can use the other fields to correlate the calls between the services and also for zipkin.

This is a little bit difficult to explain by email, but I hope that you can understand my idea :)

2014-07-02 14:32 GMT+01:00 Simon Matic Langford

That is precisely why I'm working on this now ;) Also hence the comments regarding the need for ExecutionContext changes for Zipkin integration. The only thing that seems a little rough around the edges is how to ensure the client doesn't send out the same uuid for multiple calls - at the moment it's up to the developer to pass a sub-uuid to the client when constructing the execution context..

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eswdd commented 10 years ago

All understood, it's exactly what i was thinking, except i think we want to log the full compound uuid in all cases, and the zipkin log parsing can extract the bits it needs from that field and humans still get to see the full uuid (it also means no breaking change to the log format).

With regard to delegating to the client, it seems the preferred approach, but I only wonder if this could cause probs where existing apps already pass in a new generated request uuid. However I wonder if we can detect and deal with this. I will think some more on the situations which could be problematic.

pmvilaca commented 10 years ago

When I was investigating how we could integrate zipkin in cougar, I wasn't planing to use log files because I think that we don't really need it. At least in Betfair, they're using 0MQ to emit metrics to their own metrics aggregator system (something like statsd). So, I was planning to emit zipkin events to 0MQ and then use that system to pick those events and send them to the zipkin collector.

Regarding your concern, you're talking about the cases where the developers are creating a new ExecutionContext object and setting the UUID of that ExecutionContext? Sorry if it doesn't make sense but my memory isn't fresh enough to remember those "strange" situations. Could you post some snippets of code (if you've some)?

eswdd commented 10 years ago

The metrics aggregator system is called statse and whilst a client has been released and it is integrated into Cougar via Tornjak it's now 8 months down the line and the server has not been released, hence the feature raised to integrate statsd into Tornjak.

My concern on using 0MQ to integrate Cougar with Zipkin would be as to whether the other end of 0MQ (the collection daemon) would also be released in any sensible timescales. So it may well be that #59 is the shared abstraction and the Zipkin integration for Cougar use something off the shelf and already available (for example Brave's Zipkin Span Collector. It rather depends on Betfair's capacity/appetite for open sourcing more components.

I would still emit the full uuid in the log files to support the other usecases surrounding uuids.

Regarding my concern - it's rubbish, I realised that now, so ignore me on that.

atropineal commented 10 years ago

If by chance you're talking about Cougar applications that receive a request with one UUID and then contact other services using a totally new requestUUID, then I've seen that happening many times. In my experience of reviewing Cougar applications it's actually the norm. Makes troubleshooting across apps a real pain. :-)

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 8:16 PM, Simon Matic Langford <> wrote:

The metrics aggregator system is called statse and whilst a client has been released and it is integrated into Cougar via Tornjak it's now 8 months down the line and the server has not been released, hence the feature raised to integrate statsd into Tornjak.

My concern on using 0MQ to integrate Cougar with Zipkin would be as to whether the other end of 0MQ (the collection daemon) would also be release in any sensible timescales. So it may well be that #59 is the shared abstraction and the Zipkin integration for Cougar use something off the shelf and already available (for example Brave's Zipkin Span Collector It rather depends on Betfair's capacity/appetite for open sourcing more components.

I would still emit the full uuid in the log files to support the other usecases surrounding uuids.

Regarding my concern - it's rubbish, I realised that now, so ignore me on that.

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eswdd commented 10 years ago

Ah, I'd rather assumed it wasn't. I think with the changes we're suggesting, that would be no worse, and if tracing across distributed calls was desirable then perhaps service owners could be persuaded to fix their apps - especially if all they need to do is pass the RequestUUID from the EC passed into the service code into the client calls. I suspect in most cases this is a case of people not realising the benefits they can achieve by just passing this item on.

richardqd commented 10 years ago

I'd have thought people were self-motivated to fix this, given the additional grief it adds to their support burden!

On 2 July 2014 20:23, Simon Matic Langford wrote:

Ah, I'd rather assumed it wasn't. I think with the changes we're suggesting, that would be no worse, and if tracing across distributed calls was desirable then perhaps service owners could be persuaded to fix their apps - especially if all they need to do is pass the RequestUUID from the EC passed into the service code into the client calls. I suspect in most cases this is a case of people not realising the benefits they can achieve by just passing this item on.

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atropineal commented 10 years ago

I think, in the applications I've seen, it was often the case that by the time one service impl was calling out to another, the initial RequestContext had been forgotten - having been lost in that popular layer which translates between the Cougar and an internal domain. Folks, perhaps forgivably (especially if they do not have experience of troubleshooting across services), forget about passing on the stuff in the RC like like the UUID unless they simply cannot fulfill their functionality without it (e.g. a user or cert name for audit or whatever).

Another case I seem to remember was where a popular internal service distributed their own library to client services, but where that client library did not expose any way to set the outgoing request's UUID. The library just exposed a plain interface that knew nothing about Cougar at all, and the necessary Cougar stuff was done 'behind the scenes'.

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 8:39 PM, richardqd wrote:

I'd have thought people were self-motivated to fix this, given the additional grief it adds to their support burden!

On 2 July 2014 20:23, Simon Matic Langford wrote:

Ah, I'd rather assumed it wasn't. I think with the changes we're suggesting, that would be no worse, and if tracing across distributed calls was desirable then perhaps service owners could be persuaded to fix their apps - especially if all they need to do is pass the RequestUUID from the EC passed into the service code into the client calls. I suspect in most cases this is a case of people not realising the benefits they can achieve by just passing this item on.

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eswdd commented 10 years ago

The distributed client library of course comes with it's own issues, like generated code incompatibility with different Cougar versions, but the first is the situation I had imagined originally.

eswdd commented 10 years ago

Can anyone think of a better mechanism for ensuring backwards compatibility (new clients talking to old servers) when introducing this? So far I have 2 ideas, I think I prefer the second:

  1. Add a new header X-UUID2 and send the old format in X-UUID and the new in X-UUID2
  2. Break out the root:parent component and put in X-UUID-Parents (or similar) and send the local component in X-UUID
atropineal commented 10 years ago

I've just realized that Pedro has earlier said:

"this issue.. was created after an internal discussion in betfair to define if the "Service A" should pass the same UUID to the "Service B" if it needs to invoke the service B multiple times in the same transaction. And the team that is responsible for the "Service B" doesn't want that the same UUID is used because there is a reporting tool based on the logs that assumes that one UUID represents only one transaction".

That was me representing service B. I definitely did not want multiple requests coming in with the same UUID. Sort of violated (for me at least!) the concept of a 'request identifier' since I then wouldn't be able to identify a specific actual request with it any more, only a logical one that could be made up of any number of actual requests. From my perspective this negatively impacted several non-functionals: troubleshooting / tooling / log mining... I encouraged them to adopt a UUID-suffix style approach, ('-1', '-2' or whatever), especially since in this case the multiple requests were serial in nature.

I'd even be in favor of an inbuilt mechanism that actively tries to prevent duplicate request UUIDs, since somebody can 'break me' (non-functionally, in the ways above) quite easily without really knowing the impact. For example a generated Cougar client could remember UUIDs going to the target service within a time and/or size limited window and reject duplicates? I'm just brainstorming here.

Another thing I'm not keen on regarding UUIDs is that people can use whatever they like. I massively appreciate UUIDs having the abbreviated client node name as a prefix, it really is a boon for investigation speed. But unfortunately some clients decide for whatever reason that this isn't for them, and they'll transmit some custom gibberish. Or they'll transmit something that has a prefix that looks like it's a node name but isn't. I'm in favor of making sure all outgoing request UUIDs are standardized, with this prefix being part of the standard.

Simon, idea 2 sounds better to me because it doesn't create an 'old way vs new way' type situation, it just augments what is there. No 'OK, now we do everything 2 ways until we migrate totally' type affair.

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Simon Matic Langford <> wrote:

Can anyone think of a better mechanism for ensuring backwards compatibility (new clients talking to old servers) when introducing this? So far I have 2 ideas, I think I prefer the second:

  1. Add a new header X-UUID2 and send the old format in X-UUID and the new in X-UUID2
  2. Break out the root:parent component and put in X-Tracing-Info (or similar) and send the local component in X-UUID

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eswdd commented 10 years ago

I'd wondered about client 'memory' to try to resolve that issue, although if we change the clients so they always generate a sub this wouldn't have much effect. It also doesn't deal with clients which are not using cougar generated clients.

The UUID naming I totally agree on, although is hampered by the ability to plugin a custom generator which seems valid if you wish some form of service identifier but your hostname is not sufficient. I wonder if it's valid for a server to reject a client uuid or regenerate part of it if it disagrees with the formatting? Probably not, this sounds like a governance issue to me although I definitely agree with the sentiment.

andredasilvapinto commented 10 years ago

From a Zipkin point of view, considering it follows Google's Dapper paper we will need to support not 2 but 3 data fields (headers in the case of HTTP):

These fields should all be probabilistically unique 64 bits integers (i.e. longs), which would imply a conflict with the current X-UUID format. This would be especially problematic if we use something like Brave (like was referred above) as its API is expecting longs, but depending on whether Zipkin collector/query/web components introduce this format contraint it might be even impossible to use any other format. I think using hash functions here in order to convert the UUID string format to a long would imply unnecessary work per request/span and defeat the purpose of using the entire 64 bits range.

I would suggest we add those 3 new fields to the transports while keeping the current X-UUID field format for backward compatibility.

eswdd commented 10 years ago

Is there a suggested mechanism that makes them probabilistically unique enough?

Seems odd to restrict the ids to longs when it’s relatively easy to generate GUIDs if you allow strings. I’d almost argue that’s rather a large failing, but I’m sure they have their reasons.

Frustratingly, I’d rather assumed strings were ok, should have read the docs better. Given the amount of work we do everywhere else, hashing might not be unreasonable and would allow dual use of the X-UUID data..

On 3 Jul 2014, at 00:07, André Pinto wrote:

From a Zipkin point of view, considering it follow Google's Dapper paper we will need to support not 2 but 3 data fields (headers in the case of HTTP):

TraceId SpanId ParentSpanId (when applicable) These fields should all be probabilistically unique 64 bits integers (i.e. longs), which would imply a conflict with the current X-UUID format. This would be especially problematic if we use something like Brave (like was referred above) as its API is expecting longs, not strings and I think using hash functions here would imply unnecessary work per request/span and defeat the purpose of using the entire 64 bits range.

I would suggest we add those 3 new fields to the transports while keeping the current X-UUID field format for backward compatibility.

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andredasilvapinto commented 10 years ago

On Dapper's paper? No.

I'm using ThreadLocalRandom.nextLong(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE) (Java 7+) in Mantis in order to avoid contention. Pedro Vilaça also suggested the use of UUID.getMostSignificantBits() although I think that would probably be a little more expensive (haven't tested though).

eswdd commented 10 years ago

Can it handle clashes if they do occur? I can't find any reference in the docs.

andredasilvapinto commented 10 years ago

Are you referring to Zipkin ids clashes? I think they don't do any magic here. If you have duplicated trace ids (which is very unlikely with a uniform probabilistic function over a 64 bit range - 5.4210109e-20 probability) then it will probably override the old one:

We generate a random trace ID to use (a 64-bit int in hex) which we can do because it's very unlikely that we'll have trace ID collisions (and it's not a big deal if we do -- some other trace will get overwritten).

From a browser extension plugin but still on the twitter/zipkin repo:

eswdd commented 10 years ago

ok, cool thanks. Am going to explore hashing a little to see if there's any legs there in terms of low duplicate rates and full use of the 64bit spectrum, otherwise will consider fleshing out the isTracingEnabled on ExecutionContext into a TracingInfo interface which contains the isTracingEnabled and enables tracing plugins to hook in the data they need.

eswdd commented 10 years ago

So was thinking on this some more overnight...

This feature request sits on it's own if you ignore the Zipkin/tracing requirements for the purposes of debugging, and so we should continue to make the changes on the basis I was already working.

It would be nice to be able to leverage this for Zipkin/tracing, but not mandatory. If Zipkin needs the same info but in a different format, and is unable to derive it from this info (ie hashing doesn't work) then I think it's reasonable to state that the Zipkin ids are also request uuids, just a different format of them and thus it's reasonable for the Zipkin integration to provide a RequestUUID impl which provides the standard Cougar uuids as well as those required for Zipkin. Then we do not need changes to the EC interface (which as @richardqd says is painful) and we only then need to provide the tracing hooks in the client and transports.

This also suggests that the header name I proposed is sensible and if we need extra info for tracing we can use an appropriate seperate header such as X-Trace-Info

andredasilvapinto commented 10 years ago

Hashing would also imply that every non-Cougar node of the ecosystem would have to be aware of the way Cougar's hash function works as they need to pass and receive the fields to/from them.

eswdd commented 10 years ago

Yes it would. It would have to be a well published algorithm. I appreciate this would not be desirable in a mixed ecosystem.

On 4 July 2014 09:06, André Pinto wrote:

Hashing would also imply that every non-Cougar node of the ecosystem would have to be aware of the way Cougar's hash function works as they need to pass and receive the fields to/from them.

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andredasilvapinto commented 10 years ago

ThreadLocalRandom.nextLong(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE) is not an option.

Looking at the method definition, and considering it refers no restriction on the documentation, I thought it would allow the entire long range, but after testing and looking at the implementation you can see that it only allows 32 bit range as the kind of operations it performs internally introduce overflow problems for larger ranges.

I'm now using Vilaça's suggestion

eswdd commented 10 years ago

This issue is now complete. Any further discussion regarding zipkin or tracing should occur on the appropriate issues.