betfair / stream-api-sample-code

Sample code for the exchange stream api which provide real time market and order data from betfair.
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Socket has been ended by other party #7

Open ajay92x opened 4 years ago

ajay92x commented 4 years ago

I have tried using the following code to get the market data and it is working but sometimes I'm getting the error "socket has been ended by other party" and then I have to restart the server to make it work again.

var tls = require('tls');

/ Socket connection options /

var options = { host: '', // host: '', port: 443 }

/ Establish connection to the socket /

var client = tls.connect(options, function () { console.log("Connected"); });

/ Send authentication message /

client.write('{"op": "authentication", "appKey": "APIKEY", "session": "TOKEN"}\r\n');

/ Subscribe to order/market stream / stream.write({"op":"marketSubscription","marketFilter":{"marketIds":["1.160865586"],"bettingTypes":["ODDS"],"eventTypeIds":["2"],"eventIds":["29390842"]},"marketDataFilter":{}}\r\n);

client.on('data', function(data) { console.log('Received: ' + data); });

client.on('close', function() { console.log('Connection closed'); });

client.on('error', function(err) { console.log('Error:' + err); })

liampauling commented 4 years ago

Yeah this happens, it’s do with the socket connection being closed / dropped.

Not sure on the details of this library but you need to catch the error and resubscribe, nothing else you as a client can do.

ajay92x commented 4 years ago

@liampauling Thanks for your response. I'm resubscribing right now on connection drop. I thought there must be some other way to prevent this error from originating.