Closed ghost closed 7 years ago
Ok this is what i have got so far.
Usually this is caused by wrong python version
Go into the pyc file and see what the magic number is
Then compare it to this list To see if you have the correct version.
Where can i find it?
Also what python is it you used?
Because i use python 3.6.0
Ok, so I used HexEdit to read the __init__.pyc
file located in
among other locations.
The first two byes were "03 F3" which when reversed to "F3 03" give the decimal value 62211
According to the table, this means that it was built with Python 2.5b3
@chi3236 do we need to add "Python 2.5b3" (Python 2.7) to the prerequisites?
Hmm it is PyScaffold that one so i don't know :/
If you want we can do teamviewer and you could help me? Another thing is, it is caused by me using windows not linux?
Python 2.7 is backwards compatible with 2.5. See if that works...
So the windows version doesn't use tensorbox, so there is no python code to execute. It is c++, you will need Visual Studio 2013
oh i have Visual Studio 2015
That works, but you will need to build the OpenCV CUDA libraries with CMake. The current versions of OpenCV use 'shared libraries', meaning they took a whole bunch of libraries and put them into one. For our code, we need each library separate, also called 'static libraries'.
Since that is pretty difficult, it is much easier to use Visual Studio 2013 and follow the troubleshooting instructions in our README to get those libraries. You can have both 2013 and 2015 on your system, it will let you choose which one you want to use when starting the program.
I cannot get Visual Studio 2013 because i have to be this subscriber
You need to login with your Microsoft account. Visual Studio 2013 is free to use once you login.
ahh ok
Still won't let me get it and will only let me get 2015 :/
Ok, lets do teamviewer I guess.
My email is Send me the ID and PW
ok i sent it, sorry i was AFK.
How did it go? Are you still having this issue or can we close it?
i haven't tried yet as i got a reply on one of the vids from my comment saying Windows version does not work so :/
but i could try and the only problem is i don't know how and what to do as the Windows Instructions are a little bit small and there is no tutorial :( Sorry if i cause any bother.
Windows version works but we are still in the process of implementing input (see pull requests). As of right now input is not implemented and so the Windows version only detects lines for now. Input is essentially finished, just needs to be pushed + fine tuned.
I'll try to see if I can update the tutorial. What prerequisites do you already have? Did you install the Cuda Toolkit? Do you now have Visual Studio 2013? Did you get the Nuget packages?
You should open a new issue if the answer to any of those is no.
i have got Visual Studio 2013 but there is no build option now, well there was never one but i haven't got the CUDA Toolkit
Follow the instructions in our readme to install the CUDA Toolkit...
I'm having problems, i have installed the CUDA Toolkit and Visual Studio but now when i try to get the NuGet Gallery Opencv CUDA Contrib vc12 Release Build 3.1.0. It is coming up with errors in VS2013
PM> Install-Package opencvcuda-release Install-Package : The current environment doesn't have a solution open. At line:1 char:1
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetNoActiveSolution,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
... you need to create the solution
Save all (Crtl +shift + s) then it will ask you where you want to save the .sln file. Then open that .sln file and repeat nuget
umm ok
it isn't doing anything. i sent teamviewer stuff through email again.
Thanks to zappybiby, just about everything is working but for some reason i am getting errors while building the solution and i have screenshotted my screen twice to show list of errors.
Those are linker errors. Look at our Readme on how to fix that.
Right it fixed most but now i have this error
Nuget should have made a folder for you with all of the required libraries. This is usually in your main directory (\ChosunTruck)
You need to link to those, not to the opencv folder.
ahh ok
which one redist or the other?
i tried both and still the same error
Now it says this.
@keyring52 Please google the error msg
Second thing I found with a quick google search:
ahh i'll try that EDIT: i checked and everthing is alright and all correct it just keeps saying that error so i'll reinstall the opencv thing
wait if i take the "opencv_calib3d310.lib;" out it goes to next one and says same thing cannot open.
Ok, so all of those files are required for the program to run. If you take one out, it moves on to the next one, but it will not run without that file. You need to search for that file on your computer. Use the search box in your chosuntruck directory to find the folder containing the files you need.
i have found them but nothing is wrong to me it all looks how it should
Again, opencv 3.0+ switched to shared libraries. We need static libraries that are obtained from nuget. You need to link to the nuget libraries. Reinstalling opencv will not fix this.
All I can tell you is that he error you are gettng is because Visual studio is not finding the file. Try altering the include directories again. Double check your linker directories too
ok i kinda changed the directories and it all shows up properly and works then i get this.
Reinstalled it and i get this now
You are getting the same error (lnk1104)
Look at solutions here:
Maybe run VS as admin.
It's gonna have to be teamviewer again as it isn't working again and it is different error now
Hi i am using Windows 10 64bit but when i run the .pyc file it comes up with this error all the time but i had to record it and slow it down to 0.05x speed so i could see it but that only just managed to show it so i screenshotted it. It is below. Thanks!