bethgelab / foolbox

A Python toolbox to create adversarial examples that fool neural networks in PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX
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Why doing Normalization before attack? (preprocessing) #681

Closed Changgun-Choi closed 2 years ago

Changgun-Choi commented 2 years ago

As I know, we should not normalize before Attacks. Does Foolbox also follow this principle? 1. Foolbox explanation says: bounds [0,1] -> preprocessing(normalization) However, the image tensor is [0,1] which doesn’t match with an explanation.

2. Using 'transforms.ToTensor()' already makes in the [0, 1] value range. So we don't need to normalize in this case?

ex. transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((224, 224)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ])

  1. Clipped_Adv has value out of [0,1] but original _adv is in [0,1]. Something wrong here?

ex. Clipped_Adv: [ 0.5029, 0.4851, 0.0167, ..., -1.1999, -1.1302, -0.9559]

zimmerrol commented 2 years ago


  1. Can you add a link to this explanation and add a few details about what you mean by this?
  2. Whether you normalize or not depends on the model. But if you want to normalize, this should the done using the preprocess argument in foolbox's model classes.
  3. Can you add an example how you call foolbox and get the adversarial examples?
Changgun-Choi commented 2 years ago

Question1 I am curious the order of normalization and bounds. Which is done first? As the images are [0,1] at the end , I assume that 1) normalize 2) bounds. image

Question 2. Using Custom dataset (related to question 1) Since foobox has maximum 20 images, accuracy out of 20 would not be significant. Therefore, I would like to use custom dataset by using transform = transforms.Compose. transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((224, 224)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ]).
However, it preprocess into [0,1] first and then normalize them so it is not in bound [0,1] which is opposite in foolbox preprocess. It would be helpful for the explanation.

Question3. Clipped_advs is not having value between 0 - 1 Should original_advs, and clipped_advs both in range [0,1]? I expected clipped_advs are doing such as torch.clamp(original_advs, 0, 1)?

preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], axis=-3) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) (

jangop commented 2 years ago

You can preprocess data yourself or have Foolbox's model do it. It's a choice.

In any case, you should provide the correct bounds to Foolbox's model.

clipped_advs are not clipped to bounds, but to epsilons. This is confusing and needs better documentation. Someday soon I will surely get around to it. 😉

zimmerrol commented 2 years ago

Here are a few points in addition to the previous answer:

  1. The bounds are the bounds used internally by foolbox to search for the adversarial examples. The attacks expect the input to also lie in these bounds. Before passing a sample to the model, foolbox internally applies the preprocessing set for the model. So putting it in your words: first the bounds and then the preprocessing is "done first".

  2. The samples method of foolbox only returns a handful of images. These images are also not meant to test your model on! They are just meant as a means to quickly test that the installation worked and/or to play around with the package before actually attacking a model;)

  3. The clipped adversarial examples should actually be clipped to both the epsilon radius as well as the model's bounds. For which attacks did you see a different behavior @jangop @Changgun-Choi?

jangop commented 2 years ago

3. The clipped adversarial examples should actually be clipped to both the epsilon radius as well as the model's bounds. For which attacks did you see a different behavior @jangop

At some point in the past, I wanted to figure out the actual difference between adversarials and clipped_adversarials. I remember following the code and realizing that bounds were ignored. Was I mistaken?

Specifically I found that, if epsilons=None, then adversarials == clipped_adversarials.

jangop commented 2 years ago

Before being returned, xpc is passed through restore_type, but I don't think that has access to any bounds.

jangop commented 2 years ago

See 😄

Changgun-Choi commented 2 years ago

Hello all, Thank you for the answer!

Question 1-2 About the answer, so foolbox preprocess input by lying in bounds[0.1] and then normalize it? Then the values would be out of the bound as what I did by manually 'transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])' ?

Then, how could we preprocess input manually exactly the same as I intended with 'foolbox preprocess'? image

Question 3. I think 'clean_accuracy' : ((predictions == labels).float32().mean()) is different accuracy with 'Robust accuracy' : robust_accuracy = 1 - success.float32().mean(axis=-1) as it means 'success of attacks'. Therefore when we want to know accuracy of the model, we should not use 'robust accuracy' or am I misunderstanding it? image

Thank you for help!!

Changgun-Choi commented 2 years ago

Q. The issue while using custom dataset.

I am using simple dataset, 'Cifar10' which has 10 labels however, output of model(images) has 1000 dimensions and as a result, prediction has 1000 labels that do not match.


Please let me know about this issue! Thank you again.

zimmerrol commented 2 years ago

Before being returned, xpc is passed through restore_type, but I don't think that has access to any bounds.

@jangop The clipping wrt. the bounds is done inside the specific attack implementations (see e.g., here)

jangop commented 2 years ago

@jangop The clipping wrt. the bounds is done inside the specific attack implementations (see e.g., here)

Indeed! Thank you.