bethgelab / foolbox

A Python toolbox to create adversarial examples that fool neural networks in PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX
MIT License
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It seems like the 'success' value in the return of the 'attack' function is overconfident. #711

Open volmodaoist opened 1 year ago

volmodaoist commented 1 year ago

It seems like the 'success' value in the return of the 'attack' function is overconfident.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parser.parse_args()
    model = ModelController(args).get_model().eval()
    device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
    ConvCTrainer.load_model(args, model, device)  

    data_controller = DataCController(args)
    eval_loader = data_controller.get_test_dataloader()
    mean, std = data_controller.aug_controller.get_normalize_param()

    attack = LinfFastGradientAttack()

    fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds = (0, 1), preprocessing = dict(mean = mean, std = std)) 

    epsilons = [0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5]
    cnt, total = torch.zeros(len(epsilons)).to(device),\

    correct = torch.zeros(len(epsilons)).to(device)

    for _, (images, labels) in enumerate(eval_loader):
        images =
        labels =

        images = images * std[:, None, None] + mean[:, None, None]

        _, advs_list, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons = epsilons)
        cnt += success.sum(axis = 1)
        total += images.shape[0]

        for i, advs in enumerate(advs_list):
            preds = model(advs).argmax(dim=1)
            correct[i] += (preds == labels).sum().item()  # Compute accuracy for each epsilon

    print(f"Success rate vector: {cnt / total}")
    print(f"Accuracy vector for each epsilon: {correct / total}")

And the output of this code is

Success rate vector: tensor([0.3397, 0.4297, 0.5650, 0.6253, 0.6954], device='cuda:0')
Accuracy vector for each epsilon: tensor([0.9872, 0.9851, 0.9676, 0.7457, 0.3955], device='cuda:0')
zimmerrol commented 12 months ago

Can you please ensure that your model is fixed and does not change when running your code (e.g., because of batch norm layers)? I suggest that this causes your observation, as the internal computation of the success variable (see here]) is pretty simple and most likely not incorrect.

ga92xug commented 11 months ago

You have to redo the normalization. The adversarial images will be between 0-1 (or your bounds). But your model expects something else. I had the same problem. This is easy to test if you check the min and max values of the images. Btw the part where you calculate the acc of your model yourself than becomes unnecessary, but it is a nice check.

            images, labels, _ = utils.get_out_dataloader(out_dataloader, device)
            # denormalize for attack
            images = images * std[:, None, None] + mean[:, None, None]

            _, advs_list, is_adv = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons)
            count_adv += is_adv.sum(dim=1)
            total += images.shape[0]

            for i, advs in enumerate(advs_list):
                # min max before normalization

                # normalize for model
                advs_images = (advs - mean[:, None, None]) / std[:, None, None]
                # after

                preds = model(advs_images).argmax(dim=1)
                correct[i] += (preds == labels).sum().item()  # Compute accuracy for each epsilon
def min_max_images(images: torch.tensor):
    min_ = images.min().item()
    max_ = images.max().item()
    print(f"min: {min_}, max: {max_}")