Open littlepae opened 2 years ago
Hello. Could you please help me figure out this error when i run this training command
for epochs, parameters in train_schedule.items(): print("") print("training layers {} until epoch {} with learning_rate {}".format(parameters["layers"], epochs, parameters["learning_rate"])) model.train(coco_train, coco_val, learning_rate=parameters["learning_rate"], epochs=epochs, layers=parameters["layers"])
After that. I got this following output and error
training layers heads until epoch 1 with learning_rate 0.02 Starting at epoch 0. LR=0.02 Checkpoint Path: C:\Users\supha\Desktop\FIBO\intern\Onboard\siamese-mask-rcnn-master - Copy\logs\siamese_mrcnn_small_coco_example\siamese_mrcnn_{epoch:04d}.h5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [11], in <cell line: 1>() 2 print("") 3 print("training layers {} until epoch {} with learning_rate {}".format(parameters["layers"], 4 epochs, 5 parameters["learning_rate"])) ----> 6 model.train(coco_train, coco_val, 7 learning_rate=parameters["learning_rate"], 8 epochs=epochs, 9 layers=parameters["layers"]) File ~\Desktop\FIBO\intern\Onboard\siamese-mask-rcnn-master - Copy\lib\, in SiameseMaskRCNN.train(self, train_dataset, val_dataset, learning_rate, epochs, layers, augmentation) 709 modellib.log("Checkpoint Path: {}".format(self.checkpoint_path)) 710 self.set_trainable(layers) --> 711 self.compile(learning_rate, self.config.LEARNING_MOMENTUM) 713 # Work-around for Windows: Keras fails on Windows when using 714 # multiprocessing workers. See discussion here: 715 # 716 if is 'nt': File ~\Desktop\FIBO\intern\Onboard\siamese-mask-rcnn-master - Copy\lib\, in SiameseMaskRCNN.compile(self, learning_rate, momentum) 538 continue 539 loss = (tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=layer.output, keepdims=True) * self.config.LOSS_WEIGHTS.get(name, 1.)) --> 540 self.keras_model.add_loss(loss) 542 # Add L2 Regularization 543 # Skip gamma and beta weights of batch normalization layers. 544 reg_losses = [ 545 keras.regularizers.l2(self.config.WEIGHT_DECAY)(w) / tf.cast(tf.size(w), tf.float32) 546 for w in self.keras_model.trainable_weights 547 if 'gamma' not in and 'beta' not in] File ~\Desktop\FIBO\intern\Onboard\.venv\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\, in Layer.add_loss(self, losses, inputs) 1052 for symbolic_loss in symbolic_losses: 1053 if getattr(self, '_is_graph_network', False): -> 1054 self._graph_network_add_loss(symbolic_loss) 1055 else: 1056 # Possible a loss was added in a Layer's `build`. 1057 self._losses.append(symbolic_loss) File ~\Desktop\FIBO\intern\Onboard\.venv\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\, in Functional._graph_network_add_loss(self, symbolic_loss) 906 new_nodes.extend(add_loss_layer.inbound_nodes) 907 new_layers.append(add_loss_layer) --> 908 self._insert_layers(new_layers, new_nodes) File ~\Desktop\FIBO\intern\Onboard\.venv\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\, in Functional._insert_layers(self, layers, relevant_nodes) 848 self._nodes_by_depth[depth].append(node) 850 # Insert layers and update other layer attrs. --> 851 layer_set = set(self._self_tracked_trackables) 852 deferred_layers = [] 853 for layer in layers: File ~\Desktop\FIBO\intern\Onboard\.venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\training\tracking\, in ListWrapper.__hash__(self) 665 def __hash__(self): 666 # List wrappers need to compare like regular lists, and so like regular 667 # lists they don't belong in hash tables. --> 668 raise TypeError("unhashable type: 'ListWrapper'") TypeError: unhashable type: 'ListWrapper'
I run this code with tensorflow 2.5.0 and keras 2.8.0 and i tried to change something in loss function code but it's still same error Thanks for help!
The project was built using Tensorflow 1 (I don't exactly remember which version) and Keras 2.1.6.
Hello. Could you please help me figure out this error when i run this training command
After that. I got this following output and error
I run this code with tensorflow 2.5.0 and keras 2.8.0 and i tried to change something in loss function code but it's still same error Thanks for help!