Shifts as they are currently ordered by the company aren't in any logical order. So, to display shifts correctly, they need to be manually ordered. This means adding a column for index in the Shift table, and ordering them by that index on the front end. In addition, the shifts are grouped by categories, so some will need gaps after them. So, a column will need to be added to say whether there is a gap shown after a group. The ordering of the shifts, and which ones have gaps after them need to be editable on the front end as well.
Shifts as they are currently ordered by the company aren't in any logical order. So, to display shifts correctly, they need to be manually ordered. This means adding a column for index in the Shift table, and ordering them by that index on the front end. In addition, the shifts are grouped by categories, so some will need gaps after them. So, a column will need to be added to say whether there is a gap shown after a group. The ordering of the shifts, and which ones have gaps after them need to be editable on the front end as well.