betonme / e2openplugin-EnhancedMovieCenter

EMC is an enhanced movielist replacement for Linux based receivers.
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Slow start of EMC #232

Closed juraj1000 closed 6 years ago

juraj1000 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I've just installed Enhanced Movie Center 4.0+git20171224 to DM 500HD with eSATA external HDD. So my DM is older and hardware is not so strong. I'm very satisfied with EMC it is working correctly. But there is an issue if I start EMC. It takes a long time if HDD is sleeping. Now it is about 15 seconds. In older versions it was about 7-8 seconds and with very old version it was about 5 seconds. It seems the EMC has new features and it might be the reason why the start takes so long. Would it be possible to improve start of EMC? Or are there any recommendations of EMC settings which could improve start? Thanks