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Sustainable governance model #12

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Introduction: I would like to suggest I type of governance economic model to be implemented by betrusted, given that after a conversation with some of the devs, there is a issue of economic sustainability for this project to grow like many other similar projects.

Problem: Many FOSS or open hardware projects face problems on what relates to economic funding, because the ideals it supports are not compatible with a traditional business model, the other option would be a datamining model, the issue with that is user privacy, because it is not respected bringing another set of problems, and again not compatible with FOSS ideals.

Proposal: Although this word has been used before as hype in the cryptocurrency camp, so take any articles on it with a grain of salt, which honestly not a big fan of. The original idea has some value, DAOs Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Is the idea to create a token economy so that contributors can be rewarded, and at the same time creating a self sustaining system to support such project with the increase of development. The problem with such economy is that it needs to be setup in such architecture that makes valorisation possible, with the increase of user-base, members, devs, donations, etc, without the need for exterior intervention, in the form of fiat backed development, in other words real world capital effort.

Why betrusted is the perfect fit for such system? Because one of the downfalls of such systems and why it doesn't work for small software projects. Is that a determinate project might have a considerable amount of members, but a lot of them are not participants on such economic system, but in the hardware world is quite the opposite, most members would participate in such economy given that most of them are costumers of such hardware project. creating a high enough market circulation in terms of transactions to increase the value of such token/economy also this doesnt mean the donation scheme cannot be integrated, but at least is not the center of such economic system.

Benefits: If well implemented such software/economic system can make a project self-sustaining, only relying on its own technology/code-base without the need for exterior support, including ability to pay for technical work needed support manufacturing RandD etc.

References: many already developed code-bases could be used to implement such system including but not exclusively BisqDAO, (decentralized cryptocurrencie exchange), Signal dev-reward system, gitcoin, aragon/OpenLaw systems.

Would appreciate any refutations to my suggestion, so such system can be well implemented and refined to work well, also any improvements edits to this post. Cheers P.S. normally I would boycott github, but given the importance that I feel this topic might have I made such concession, would definitely support a migration to self-hosted systems though see Issue #11 for reference.

irelativism commented 3 years ago

I have been playing arround with polkadot and their predeveloped rust modules. And it would seam the best solution to implemt such propousal in the time being actually in a quite short timeframe as well.

irelativism commented 2 years ago

this since has been improved in two modules: 1.the theorical one still in heavy WIP given Im not the best of writers: (sorry but you need cloudflare for this one) 2.and a actual implementation in colaboration with other movement members I think this business model would apply nicely in betrusted for now one could use substrate/polkadot to setup such infrastructure. And migrate to darkfi ounce is mature enough "has a conclusion I beleive this is the solution for the sustainability issue of the FOSS and OH world"