better-earth / India-Delhi

Issues in Delhi, India
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What do you feel about this concept? #3

Open chinchang opened 8 years ago

chinchang commented 8 years ago

Welcome your comments and suggestions.

prayagverma commented 8 years ago

This concept is great for a few reasons -

Ideas that affect lots of people, have to be discussed extensively before being implemented as rules or laws. Version controlled environment like git and platforms like Github are uniquely suited to meet these challenges as they are easy to use, transparent (maintain a clear timeline of events) and above all searchable (git blame). This makes sure, that everyone can now find out how decisions were made, who were the people involved in making them and how these things relate to each other.

Secondly, it turns our democracy from an representative one to a direct/participative one (which is more closer to the original idea of democracy as developed by the Greeks). Currently, involving every person in a country (as large as India) in the decision making process of law creation isn't a physical possibility. But using technologies like gitand platforms like GitHub, it becomes possible to scale, to be able to get input from every concerned person.

Personally I like this idea and would certainly want to see how things go from here