better-modernized-combat / bmod-client

Freelancer: Better Modernized Combat (BMOD) is a modification for Freelancer, the 2003 space shooter by Digital Anvil. The core goal of the mod is to create a fun and compelling PvE experience for solo and group players in a multiplayer setting.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Allow players to choose between playermodels #116

Open Beaglerush opened 1 month ago

Beaglerush commented 1 month ago

I know this might seem excessive for the 0.1 board but it's the kind of thing that gets put off and forgotten forever if we never list it. I want to offer proper representation for our players, as soon as possible; you should be able to feel comfortably represented as either masc, fem or n/b when you're looking at yourself at the dealers and in the bar.

The bar itself is its own problem because talking to NPCs will be Trent's voice, which I imagine is a lot more work to deal with than the model. But just the model swapping would be a big W if we could get that in quicker. My ideal for now would be a basic choice between two helmeted spacesuit people in the Liberty style, and one of the bodies is more clearly feminine. Failing that, just having one Liberty helmed spacesuit person without any clearly defining features one way or the other would be acceptable. Just anything better than asking our fem and n/b playtesters to always look like Trent would be meaningful.

IrateRedKite commented 1 month ago

This is actually already in the backlog with #77, but given the amount of work involved for what we get I would say its firmly something we should not scope for 0.1 and would be scope creep. We have a ton on our plate already without bunding in extra features so I would like to scope this for 0.2 and do it properly, especially given that we don't have an easy way to swap player models around just yet and it will likely require plugin work.

Beaglerush commented 1 month ago

Sounds good, I'm fine with it being in 0.2 as that's not too far away and I don't want to drag out the tail of 0.1 any more than already happening. No further than 0.2, though.

Beaglerush commented 1 month ago

So I looked into this and switching the models in the way I wanted was actually very easy. No choosing or swapping for players, but as for at least having a new default playermodel, this is done and committed as of now for review by the rest of you. image

IrateRedKite commented 1 month ago

@Beaglerush I'm actually going to shift this to 0.2 as I want the change scoped. As far as I know you've already adjusted the default playermodel, so nothing more to do here until we get a system in to do it.

Beaglerush commented 1 month ago

Yeah cool, so leaving in the current changes and worrying about maybe making it chooseable in the future, right? No problems from me, sounds sensible, and this works for now.