bettermusic / studio

WIP for a Design System and component library to power a suite of music tools. Most notably a chord chart editor & renderer.
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💡 RFC: Monorepo (Turborepo) MVP #1

Open isaiahdahl opened 2 years ago

isaiahdahl commented 2 years ago

Design INSPO:


isaiahdahl commented 2 years ago

@martijnversluis Ok so I got us to a scaffold point. I started from this example repo so that we had some examples to work from for the shared tsconfig etc. It also had ChangeSets and storybook which could be useful tools for us.

After you clone this repo run git submodule update --init --recursive to setup the submodule. Then for some reason it's not recognizing the turborepo branch so I had to cd into the chordchartjs package and change the branch to turborepo eventually it'd just be master though.

I decided to create a new repo for the new "studio" repo instead of unforking the old one. Which I renamed back to ChordSheetJS. I'm not sure if the studio name will stick for this repo or not but the idea that this repo could evolve to hold more than just the chord chart editor. (ie. PDF viewer, multitrack viewer)

So far the roadblocks I've run into are I had to create a turborepo branch on the submodule because it couldn't figure out how to find the plugin for ./node_modules/ts-pegjs in the build:pegjs command. In the turborepo branch I changed it to ../../node_modules/ts-pegjs and could get it to build. But that's not a sustainable solution.

I also had to bump some parcel package versions.

I created a stencil app trying to get some basic parsing happening but it looks like the parcel build isn't working properly. If you run yarn dev and go to localhost:3333 which is the stencil components you'll see this.

CleanShot 2022-05-30 at 17 13 43

I also get the same thing when I try and run plain ol chordsheetjs

Hopefully this is a good start. Let me know what you find!