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Possible Blog Article: [Better Collaboration] Avenues for integrating low/no-code with high code #1685

Open majidaldo opened 1 year ago

majidaldo commented 1 year ago

Most of the content here assumes 'hardcore' HPC-type programmers. However, this extremely limits collaboration with domain experts who are not 'programmers'. 'Collaboration' here means participation and not just consumers of code execution results.

Example /tool/ solutions here revolve around data integration, DSLs, and computational notebooks though which tool to use can be discussed.

bartlettroscoe commented 1 year ago

@majidaldo, what did you have in mind?

I think there is some existing material on this topic on like:

BTW, it seems that many CSE people are comfortable with small (bash) shell scripts which makes something like #1653 useful to tell them when to abandon shell scripting and adopt a language like Python. Everyone uses the Linux/Unix shell so they all know the a basic high-level scripting language.

majidaldo commented 1 year ago

@majidaldo, what did you have in mind?

I think there is some existing material on this topic on like:

BTW, it seems that many CSE people are comfortable with small (bash) shell scripts which makes something like #1653 useful to tell them when to abandon shell scripting and adopt a language like Python. Everyone uses the Linux/Unix shell so they all know the a basic high-level scripting language.

Well, I wanted to just run the idea: avenues of collaboration among different skillsets. I didn't want to talk specifically about notebooks.

bartlettroscoe commented 1 year ago

Well, I wanted to just run the idea: avenues of collaboration among different skillsets. I didn't want to talk specifically about notebooks.

@majidaldo, that could be an interesting topic for a blog article.

But I think the model that is being pushed in many institutions is to bring software engineering/programming experts into CSE teams with domain experts and have them write and maintain code together. This is the so-called role of a Research Software Engineering (RSE).

majidaldo commented 8 months ago

update: i have one technical solution to this. but i'm trying to figure out how to align interests.