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CC: C++ Core Guidelines #2110

Open bartlettroscoe opened 1 week ago

bartlettroscoe commented 1 week ago

I just ran across the page "C++ Core Guidelines":

This is a collaborative and living effort to capture C++ core usage suggestions.

It looks like it it being lead by Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter as the main "editors" (well known and respected names in the C++ community). This is a single Github Pages webpage that currently prints out to 693 pages of a PDF file! The source Git repo is:

which currently contains 2,152 commits (going back to 2016), 5.4K forks, 2k watchers, 41.9k stars, 332 contributors (hsutter 278 commits, tkruse 168 commits, BjarneStroupstrup 148 commits, …), and 803 merged PRs.

So this is a major effort to capture the C++ communities best practices, for each updated version of the C++ standard.

bartlettroscoe commented 1 week ago

NOTE: There is currently only 6 open PRs out of a total of 1022 closed (i.e. closed with or without merging), so they are doing a pretty good job on saying on top of suggestions.