betterze / StyleSpace

StyleSpace Analysis: Disentangled Controls for StyleGAN Image Generation
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Is there a direction for human face closing eyes? #15

Closed FeiiYin closed 2 years ago

FeiiYin commented 2 years ago

Is there a direction for human face closing eyes?

aRavanel commented 2 years ago

try : (14, 239)

wenzhengzeng commented 2 years ago

I have tried (14, 239) and find that it can only obtain a squinting rather than a fully closed eye. Any improvement can be made?

betterze commented 2 years ago

Actually, I dont hink there will be a channel that fully control eye closing, 'squinting eye' or 'small eye' are the best we can have. This is because the systylegan is trained on FFHQ, and there is not a face with eye closing in the FFHQ dataset. The StyleGAN never see face with eye closing, so it could not generate face with eye closing, and there will not be a channel controling eye closing.

If you want manipulate the 'eye closing' attribute, I suggest you to first finetune the stylegan with faces with 'closing eye', then use the StyleSpace or StyleCLIP methods to perform manipulation.