bettse / seader

Interface with a SAM from the Flipper Zero over UART
GNU General Public License v3.0
115 stars 3 forks source link

Stuck on "Detecting 14a card" #14

Closed shiftybitshiftr closed 8 months ago

shiftybitshiftr commented 8 months ago

Hey there, not sure if this is an issue with seader or I'm trying to read an unsupported card type. I've followed the Smart Card 2 Click guide and am attempting to read an HID iClass card that says "HID Seos Px R9P" and "xt" on the back. When I initiate "Read 14443A" it gets stuck on "Detecting 14a card." I've tried on firmware 0.99.1 and 0.99.1-rc. Here is the trace (on rc):

2553796 [D][DolphinState] icounter 241, butthurt 7
2553811 [T][ISO14443_3A] Sel resp: 20
2553813 [T][ISO14443_3A] Col resolution complete
2553818 [D][Iso14443_4aPoller] Read ATS success
2553821 [D][SAMAPI] Sending payload[68 10 68]: CardDetected ::= {
                                                                     detectedCardDetails: CardDetails ::= {
                                                                                                                   protocol: 00 02
                                                                                                                                          csn: 08 CF C1 F1
                                                                                                                                                                  atqa: 04 00
                                                                                                                                                                                     sak: 20
2553831 [D][SAMAPI] seader_send_apdu a0da02631d440a44000000a015ad13a01180020002810408cfc1f182020400830120
2553914 [D][SAMAPI] samResponse 0 => requesting PACS
2553918 [D][SAMAPI] Sending payload[68 10 68]: RequestPacs ::= {
                                                                    contentElementTag: 4 (implicitFormatPhysicalAccessBits)
2553928 [D][SAMAPI] seader_send_apdu a0da02630d440a44000000a005a103800104
2554031 [D][SAMAPI] Payload: NFCSend ::= {
                                              data: 00 A4 04 00 0A A0 00 00 04 40 00 01 01 00 01 00
                                                                                                       protocol: 02 02
                                                                                                                          timeOut: 302
                                                                                                                                          format: 06 C0 00
2554041 [I][SeaderWorker] Queue New SAM Message, 41 bytes
2554047 [D][SeaderWorker] MessageQueue: 1 messages
2554049 [D][SAMAPI] Transmit (302 timeout) 16 bytes [00a404000aa000000440000101000100] via 2
2554060 [D][SAMAPI] Sending payload[20 10 0]: NFCRx ::= {
                                                             data: 6F 0C 84 0A A0 00 00 04 40 00 01 01 00 01 90 00
                                                                                                                      rfStatus: 00 00
2554067 [D][SAMAPI] seader_send_apdu a0da026322140a00000000bd1aa018a01680106f0c840aa0000004400001010001900081020000
2554209 [D][SAMAPI] Payload: NFCSend ::= {
                                                            80 A5 04 00 13 06 11 2B 06 01 04 01 81 E4 38 01 
                                                                                                                    01 02 01 18 01 01 02 02 00
                                                                                                                                                  protocol: 02 02
                                                                                                                                                                     timeOut: 302
                                                                                                                                                                                     format: 06 C0 00
2554223 [I][SeaderWorker] Queue New SAM Message, 50 bytes
2554228 [D][SeaderWorker] MessageQueue: 1 messages
2554231 [D][SAMAPI] Transmit (302 timeout) 25 bytes [80a504001306112b0601040181e43801010201180101020200] via 2
2554261 [D][SAMAPI] Sending payload[20 10 0]: NFCRx ::= {
                                                                           CD 02 09 07 85 40 64 3F D2 19 2B 46 A0 49 F0 BD 
                                                                                                                                   87 72 35 52 EB 46 D4 76 D5 78 42 69 A1 B8 6E CA 
                                                                                                                                                                                          D9 F9 A8 EC 25 9D FF 77 C5 23 26 7B 8F DF EA A3 
                                                               08 D6 E1 B0 33 38 22 77 73 1C 6D 52 76 FB 44 CC 
                                                                                                                       CE 71 1C D9 3C 4F 8E 08 71 10 8C E7 53 CF 49 4B 
                                                                                                                                                                               90 00
     rfStatus: 00 00
2554280 [D][SAMAPI] seader_send_apdu a0da026364140a00000000bd5ca05aa0588052cd0209078540643fd2192b46a049f0bd87723552eb46d476d5784269a1b86ecad9f9a8ec259dff77c523267b8fdfeaa308d6e1b033382277731c6d5276fb44ccce711cd93c4f8e0871108ce753cf494b900081020000
2554489 [D][SAMAPI] Payload: NFCSend ::= {
                                              data: 00 87 00 01 04 7C 02 81 00 00
                                                                                     protocol: 02 02
                                                                                                        timeOut: 302
                                                                                                                        format: 06 C0 00
2554499 [I][SeaderWorker] Queue New SAM Message, 35 bytes
2554503 [D][SeaderWorker] MessageQueue: 1 messages
2554506 [D][SAMAPI] Transmit (302 timeout) 10 bytes [00870001047c02810000] via 2
2554517 [D][SAMAPI] Sending payload[20 10 0]: NFCRx ::= {
                                                             data: 7C 0A 81 08 01 81 E4 38 01 01 02 01 90 00
                                                                                                                rfStatus: 00 00
2554523 [D][SAMAPI] seader_send_apdu a0da026320140a00000000bd18a016a014800e7c0a81080181e43801010201900081020000
2554701 [D][SAMAPI] Payload: NFCSend ::= {
                                                            00 87 00 01 2C 7C 2A 82 28 43 29 46 EA 5B 3E 99 
                                                                                                                    C1 37 39 27 BD BA 21 08 AF 23 23 21 BF A0 EF 08 
                                                                                                                                                                            23 6F 4D E7 64 DE 67 22 E7 6F 61 58 7A 73 03 EE 
                                                 7E 00
                                                          protocol: 02 02
                                                                             timeOut: 302
                                                                                             format: 06 C0 00
2554721 [I][SeaderWorker] Queue New SAM Message, 75 bytes
2554727 [D][SeaderWorker] MessageQueue: 1 messages
2554730 [D][SAMAPI] Transmit (302 timeout) 50 bytes [008700012c7c2a8228432946ea5b3e99c1373927bdba2108af232321bfa0ef08236f4de764de6722e76f61587a7303ee7e00] via 2
2554765 [D][SAMAPI] Sending payload[20 10 0]: NFCRx ::= {
                                                                           7C 2A 82 28 0F 75 D2 FF 9B AC 87 7A 1B AD F9 31 
                                                                                                                                   E2 CD 79 51 E9 62 4F 5F A5 CF 30 3B 2D 14 8C 5E 
                                                                                                                                                                                          BA 9C 84 7D B1 61 AE 1F 69 3E 66 79 90 00
                                                    rfStatus: 00 00
2554777 [D][SAMAPI] seader_send_apdu a0da026340140a00000000bd38a036a034802e7c2a82280f75d2ff9bac877a1badf931e2cd7951e9624f5fa5cf303b2d148c5eba9c847db161ae1f693e6679900081020000
2554971 [D][SAMAPI] Payload: NFCSend ::= {
                                                            0C CB 3F FF 1E 85 10 C9 7A 30 97 A0 08 BF A8 B8 
                                                                                                                    53 69 91 05 DC D0 59 97 00 8E 08 5A D9 DD ED 95 
                                                                                                                                                                            70 C6 C3 00
        protocol: 02 02
                           timeOut: 302
                                           format: 06 C0 00
2554987 [I][SeaderWorker] Queue New SAM Message, 61 bytes
2554991 [D][SeaderWorker] MessageQueue: 1 messages
2554995 [D][SAMAPI] Transmit (302 timeout) 36 bytes [0ccb3fff1e8510c97a3097a008bfa8b853699105dcd05997008e085ad9dded9570c6c300] via 2
2555032 [D][SAMAPI] Sending payload[20 10 0]: NFCRx ::= {
                                                                           85 40 64 7F 81 4C DA 90 4A 5A CB A8 C8 62 6C 34 
                                                                                                                                   F5 82 D8 63 ED 72 81 4A 73 DD 5D 6E E4 2C D3 A0 
                                                                                                                                                                                          A0 14 4D D9 B4 BB 08 D0 1F 96 BD FD C8 B5 D6 36 
                                                               03 9B FC DF 65 F5 B0 63 8E 4F 74 76 F6 53 A9 59 
                                                                                                                       8F 94 99 02 90 00 8E 08 FF 0F 3E A3 1A B1 1D 69 
                                                                                                                                                                               90 00
     rfStatus: 00 00
2555051 [D][SAMAPI] seader_send_apdu a0da026364140a00000000bd5ca05aa05880528540647f814cda904a5acba8c8626c34f582d863ed72814a73dd5d6ee42cd3a0a0144dd9b4bb08d01f96bdfdc8b5d636039bfcdf65f5b0638e4f7476f653a9598f94990290008e08ff0f3ea31ab11d69900081020000
2555236 [D][SAMAPI] Payload: <present>
2555240 [I][SeaderWorker] Queue New SAM Message, 10 bytes
2555244 [D][SeaderWorker] MessageQueue: 1 messages
2555247 [D][SAMAPI] Set Field Off
2555249 [D][SAMAPI] Sending payload[68 10 0]: <present>
2555252 [D][SAMAPI] seader_send_apdu a0da02630c440a00000000bd04a0028200
2555330 [D][SAMAPI] Payload: <snip>
2555332 [D][SAMAPI] Received serial: <snip>
2555335 [T][StorageApi] File/Dir 00011A28 alloc
2555362 [T][StorageApi] File 00011A28 - 00011EC4 open (/ext/qrcodes/seader_sam_serial.qrcode)
2555400 [T][StorageApi] File 00011A28 - 00011EC4 closed
2555403 [T][StorageApi] File/Dir 00011A28 free
2555406 [T][StorageApi] File/Dir 00011A28 alloc
2555430 [T][StorageApi] File 00011A28 - 00011E64 open (/data/sam_serial.txt)
2555480 [T][StorageApi] File 00011A28 - 00011E64 closed
2555483 [T][StorageApi] File/Dir 00011A28 free
bettse commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the logs. Looks like you're stuck on a bug with 2.5. I'm waiting for 2.6 to get released with the fix ( You can also downgrade your flipper firmware and run 2.4

Side note, "Px" means it is also prox, so be sure to try the Flipper's 125khz RFID app.

bettse commented 8 months ago

v2.6 is out, give it a try

shiftybitshiftr commented 8 months ago

Just tried, working now! Thanks for the quick response!!