beudbeud / ffsync_ynh

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How to setup firefox once installed ? #14

Open rgarrigue opened 9 years ago

rgarrigue commented 9 years ago


Would you be kind enought to add a README or something of sort to explain how to setup a workstation's firefox to use the newly installed ffsync ? Maybe the best would be to replace the static "it works!" page in https/yunohost.tld/ffsync/ by somes instructions.

I tried stuff from [the official doc|] and from the readme in your source folder, nothing work so far. I got the first page ~Get started, then the link send me to "about:accounts?entryPoint=menupanel" which is a grey page with a single "0"...

Anyway, thanks for the good work so far!

rokaz commented 8 years ago


You will find instructions here:

Relevant sections are copied below.

The webpage you cite is related to the authentication part, which is carried out through a Firefox Account. In order to run your own authentication service, you should follow the instructions from the webpage you cite, given that the ffsync app for yunohost only provides the sync service and not the authentication service.

    The new sync service uses Firefox Accounts for user authentication, which is a 
    separate service and is not covered by this guide.

    Note: By default, a server set up using this guide will defer authentication to the Mozilla-
    hosted accounts server at 

    To configure desktop Firefox to talk to your new Sync server, go to “about:config”, 
    search for “identity.sync.tokenserver.uri” and change its value to the URL of your server 
    with a path of “token/1.0/sync/1.5”:


    Since Firefox 33, Firefox for Android has supported custom sync servers. To configure 
    Firefox for Android, see the blog post How to connect Firefox for Android to self-hosted 
    Firefox Account and Firefox Sync servers.

    (Prior to Firefox 42, the TokenServer preference name for Firefox Desktop was 
    “services.sync.tokenServerURI”. While the old preference name will work in Firefox 42 
    and later, the new preference is recommended as the old preference name will be 
    reset when the user signs out from Sync causing potential confusion.)
beudbeud commented 8 years ago

remydev commented 8 years ago

Hi ! I just tried iit.

I don't have any services.sync.tokenServerURI in the about:config page

M5oul commented 8 years ago

@remydev, Since Firefox 42, it moved to identity.sync.tokenserver.uri.