bevacqua / rome

:calendar: Customizable date (and time) picker. Opt-in UI, no jQuery!
MIT License
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How to set empty value for inline calendar? #136

Open andrey-hohlov opened 8 years ago

andrey-hohlov commented 8 years ago

Thank you for great datepicker!

In my use case i have a trouble (this not help: ).

There is 2 datepickes, first - start date, second - end date: datepicker

User can select nothing, or select only start date, or select only end date.

Please, help, how to:

  1. Init datepickers with empty value?
  2. Set empty value when click on already selected day?
andrey-hohlov commented 8 years ago

My solution (with jQuery because it already using in project)


    var container = {
            from: document.getElementById('events-from'),
            to: document.getElementById('events-to')
        instances = {
            from: false,
            to: false
        inputs = {
            // Hidden inputs
            $from: $('#events-from-value'),
            $to: $('#events-to-value')
        initValues = {
            // Values in inputs when page load
            from: inputs.$from.val(),
            to: inputs.$to.val()

         * Settings for init
         * from - truе for firs calendar

        getSettings = function(from){
            var settings,
                instance = (from ? 'from' : 'to'),

            settings = {
                time: false,
                required: false,
                inputFormat: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
                initialValue: initValues[instance],
                styles: {
                    container: 'rd-container rd-container--' + instance + (!initValues[instance] ? ' rd-container--disabled' : '') // If no selected value - hide date hightlight 
            if(from &&
                dateValidator = rome.val.beforeEq(;

            else if(!from && initValues.from)
                dateValidator = rome.val.afterEq(container.from);

                settings.dateValidator = dateValidator;

            return settings;


         * Change date
         * from - truе for first calendar

        changeValue= function(value, from){

            var instance = (from ? 'from' : 'to'), // Calendar where fire event
                neighbor = (from ? 'to' : 'from'), // Neighbor calendar they need to re-init
                selectedDay = inputs['$'+instance].val(); // Last selected value

            // When click to selected date
            if(selectedDay == value) {
                // Reinit neighbor
                reinitCalendar(instances[neighbor], from, false);
                // Hide selected hightlight
                // Clear input
            else {
                // Reinit neighbor
                reinitCalendar(instances[neighbor], from, true);
                // Set selected day hightlight
                // Set input value

        noValidate = function () {
            return true;

        reinitCalendar = function(calendar, from, validator){
            var options = calendar.options();
            if(from) {
                options.initialValue = inputs.$to.val();
                options.dateValidator = (validator ? rome.val.afterEq(container.from) : noValidate);
            else {
                options.initialValue = inputs.$from.val();
                options.dateValidator = (validator ? rome.val.beforeEq( : noValidate);

            // Reinit with new options
            calendar.on('data', function (value) {
                changeValue(value, !from)

    instances.from = rome(container.from, getSettings(true)).on('data', function (value) {
        changeValue(value, true)
    }); = rome(, getSettings()).on('data', function (value) {

    // Refresh after init for apply dateValidator vaues

arman-h commented 8 years ago

Bump, it would be useful to pass null or false to initialValue for inline calendars, such that no date or time is pre-selected.