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Ultimate Web development framework/workflow ... #11

Closed raoofha closed 10 years ago

raoofha commented 10 years ago

hi again .

it's not actually my idea I just gather some cool stuff around the Internet and add my understanding of how to develop a website/app to it.

I wanted to implement this idea myself and since I'm probebly not going to do that and you are so nice and responsive people and I'm not having any blog yet, I said to myself to put it here.

Sailsjs + docpad ( thanks to you ) + reactive-coffee + semantic-ui + pouchdb + hoodie ( dream coding ) I think is the Ultimate Web development solution with some tweak

I think the Ultimate Web framework must obey this rules :

1- Dream Coded

2- DRY ( don't repeat yourself )

3- Modular Declarative and Semantic UI

4- Reactive

5- RESTful

6- Realtime


what is missing ?

1- Transcompiler to compile reactive-coffee DSL to html

2- Docpad plugin for reactive-coffee DSL

3- merge Docpad static generators with Sailsjs

4- UI library in reactive-coffee

5- ...

sorry for any spelling error I recently move to firefox and don't know why spell checker don't work. and of course sorry for my poor English I made it berif, if you didn't get it let me know

thanks for reading :)

raoofha commented 10 years ago

oh really?!! not even a "WTF cave boy, Don't you know about RoR?"

balupton commented 9 years ago

Seems like ther eis some crossover here with