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A place for sharing ideas.
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A place for sharing ideas #2

Closed balupton closed 10 years ago

balupton commented 10 years ago

Idea from: Dec 19 2010 to June 29, 2011

Idea Share

Why! Skillset is the knowledge required to operate the current tools that achieve the results we want. If the tools become trivial to use, then anybody can do it. By having each particular person who alone does not have the skill-set to create a business venture which will create massive change, together by combining the skill-sets/uniqueness of many people (targeted to their specialities) together they have the skill-set that otherwise they wouldn't to make the business venture and create massive change.

An Idea can either be a: Problem -> My dogs are getting fat. Solution -> Walk the dogs. Implementation -> I can either hire a dog walker, or I walk the dogs myself. Opportunity -> Where the problem exists (people have fat dogs), I will provide the solution (walking the dogs), by starting a dog walking business. Venture -> Let's do this opportunity in L.A. Who are with me for that store, we need $20,000 and a team of …

They are generated by: Problems -> Why + What People. Solutions -> How + What If People. Implementations -> Abstract to Detail People. Opportunities -> Details to Abstract People. Ventures -> Resourcefulness + Resources. Team + Money.

How they evolve and promote through the system: Problems and Solutions are independent. Implementations tie Solutions and Problems together, and provide a possible implementation route. Opportunities identify implementations and then provide a feasible business plan. Ventures accept the business plan, and commit to making it happen.

Problems, Solutions, Implementations + Opportunities will:

Ventures will:

When the funding, team and resources are met, how do they track the progress of it - there will need to be some legal obligations that it is all legitimate, or guarantee that it will actually happen - and that they are not just talking the talk, capitalising on an opportunity and running. How will this work?

The domains can be:

balupton commented 10 years ago


balupton commented 10 years ago

TODO: Post more of the resources I developed over the year working on this idea.