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Discourse #10

Closed mikeumus closed 9 years ago

mikeumus commented 10 years ago

@balupton and I have been discussing trying out @discourse as a place for people to discuss idea/features/bugs for Bevry projects. @newrelic announced their new forum today, which is using discourse:

Another interesting fact that @discourse doesn't use GitHub issues. Let's discuss using discourse here.

RobLoach commented 10 years ago


balupton commented 10 years ago

Would love to try this. I actually setup a discourse forum as an attempt to this, but found the management and setup of it cumbersome. Would love a like setup experience for it. Or if someone else wants to give it a go, I'm up for that too.

balupton commented 10 years ago

I would see discourse as a middle ground between stack overflow and github issues

mikeumus commented 9 years ago

I have a Discourse droplet saved in DigitalOcean. One for Bevry and one for DocPad, ready to go! :traffic_light:

greduan commented 9 years ago

:+1: :smile:

mikeumus commented 9 years ago

@ahdinosaur, DinoMike... rumor has it that you have DO credits on deck... @balupton is ready now to point the DNS for, what say you? I can transfer the snapshot of the Bevry Discourse I setup this summer.

ahdinosaur commented 9 years ago

@mikeumus yup yup, transfer the image to me, let me know what size the image is for, and i'll boot it up and send you the deets. i'm gonna send you an email in regards to this.

mikeumus commented 9 years ago

Thanks @ahdinosaur, all transferred. The guide I read on Meta at the time recommended the 1 GB/2nd tier droplet option.

mikeumus commented 9 years ago

Planning as we more towards using Discourse only (official issues get added to github by core members only is the idea in the doc below):

ahdinosaur commented 9 years ago

@balupton done. :beetle:

balupton commented 9 years ago

@mikeumus @ahdinosaur

So following the SSL guide, it said to run: ./launcher rebuild app

So now SSL works, but the discourse website is completely empty... any ideas how we can restore the posts and categories and settings?

It's not that big of a deal, we only had 4 or so topics that were new... However, we should put procedures in place to prevent this in the future. As well as giving the Bevry core team access to the backups.

Will not do anything with the new database until someone confirms. However, this may fix all the old references.

balupton commented 9 years ago


balupton commented 9 years ago

@ahdinosaur is there any way to get access to the digital ocean control panel for the droplet? or does that involve us sharing your digital ocean credentials? With Heroku multiple people can maintain a heroku app.

ahdinosaur commented 9 years ago

@balupton i don't think so, why?

pflannery commented 9 years ago

I can't register an account using my github account, I always get redirected to

It did work before the recent reset occurred

balupton commented 9 years ago

@pflannery try now

balupton commented 9 years ago

@ahdinosaur what is the ip address for the discourse digital ocean droplet?

mikeumus commented 9 years ago

@balupton It's unless it changed unbeknownst to me.

balupton commented 9 years ago

Hrmm, how do I configure the DNS correctly? Just tried pointing an A record to the IP address and doesn't seem to be working. Accidentally wiped the old working DNS configuration a few days ago.

balupton commented 9 years ago

@mikeumus is - all good now

mikeumus commented 9 years ago


mikeumus commented 8 years ago

Hey @ahdinosaur, @balupton is saying we need some SSH Keys added to be able to upgrade the Bevry Discourse. Ben can remind/add his key here after.

balupton commented 8 years ago

Moved to

ahdinosaur commented 8 years ago

ah true, @mikeumus can you add his key?

echo "THEKEY!!!" | ssh the.server.tld 'umask 0077; mkdir -p .ssh; cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys && echo "Key copied"'

i've since updated keys, so would have to pull my old key from backup.

also btw @balupton, i don't have a partnership with Digital Ocean, they just gave me way too much free credit one time, something about being the 20,000th twitter follower of the customer evangelist...

balupton commented 8 years ago

@mikeumus doesn't have access either

mikeumus commented 8 years ago

Pardon @ahdinosaur, add that where exactly? I have the IP of the droplet but couldn't find the SSH login creds, you could message them to me on the Bevry Discourse Forum if you happen to have it and I can setup a Cloud9 workspace for the droplet and run that command. My SSH key changed too. :sleepy:

mikeumus commented 8 years ago

Hey @ahdinosaur, just following up!

@balupton, @newspacenyc is now sponsored by DigitalOcean, maybe Bevry can be too and then We can create a DO Team Account so we have control and not have to bug Dino so much. I can reach out to them on Bevry's behave for sponsorship if you'd like.

balupton commented 8 years ago


@ahdinosaur was able to add my key a few days ago, however for some reason it doesn't accept the key's passphrase... maybe a fault on my part, I'm not sure

@mikeumus +1 for the bevry team account, and DO sponsorship... how were you able to get sponsorship for newspaceNYC? As we would definitely want to do that. Does the sponsorship deal work with existing accounts, or only new accounts? As I was able to secure $50 of credit on Digital Ocean recently, so that's 10 months.

balupton commented 8 years ago

@mikeumus I've invited you and @ahdinosaur to a bevry team, on a bevry account of my creation, that has a $50 credit voucher applied - seems sponsorship path takes a while and needs to be planned

@ahdinosaur can you transfer the droplet to my account or the bevry team - will message you on slack with details

ahdinosaur commented 8 years ago

snapshotted an image, then initiated the transfer. :gift: keep in mind, any new content will be lost after the transfer is complete, so lemme know if i should turn the server off for now.

balupton commented 8 years ago

@ahdinosaur all done, thanks for your help

balupton commented 8 years ago

Repo for the configuration and maintenance of the forum is here: (private repo)

Instructions are on its wiki: