bevry / cson

CoffeeScript-Object-Notation. Same as JSON but for CoffeeScript objects.
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Parser does not support buffer object? #14

Closed magwo closed 5 years ago

magwo commented 12 years ago


it seems to me that the CSON parser does not, in contrast to the JSON parser, support buffer objects as returned by for example fs.readFileSync().

CSON.parseSync(fs.readFileSync filename) # Does not parse file contents

Note that you only get a buffer object if you do not specify encoding:

balupton commented 11 years ago

Hrmmm... So you're saying: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync filename) works? When is a use case when someone would want to do this over just providing the filename?

rdeforest commented 7 years ago

Interestingly, the JSON Buffer transforms are not symmetrical:

coffee> JSON.parse JSON.stringify Buffer.from "foo"
{ type: 'Buffer', data: [ 102, 111, 111 ] }

This can be addressed with the reviver option to .parse:

reviver = (k, v) ->
  if (d = and (t = global[v.type]) and 'function' is typeof t.from
    t.from d

coffee> reviver = (k, v) -> if (d = and (t = global[v.type]) then t.from d else v
[Function: reviver]
coffee> JSON.parse JSON.stringify(Buffer.from "foo"), reviver
<Buffer 66 6f 6f>
coffee> _.toString()

This would need to be hardened to make sure it doesn't somehow enable arbitrary code execution via variation of the following:

  type: VulnerableObject
  data: "stuff that VulnerableObject treats as code for some reason"
balupton commented 5 years ago

Closing due to lack of initiative for this issue showing a lack of value for this issues

Otherwise could be an issue for