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Install error command not found on Intel Mac #215

Closed jon-spotsource closed 4 months ago

jon-spotsource commented 4 months ago

I'm trying to setup dorothy on an Intel Mac running macOS 14.3.1, but I'm running into the error echo-segment: command not found during install.


balupton commented 4 months ago

From a first look this seems because you have Dorothy installed but not loaded by any dotfiles, as such the assumption the installer has that an existing Dorothy installation should be loaded is incorrect. I'll fix this in a couple of hours.

balupton commented 4 months ago

Okay, so I've pushed a fix for this to master. However I believe you are running a fork of Dorothy, so you may need to do the following beforehand and resolve any merge conflicts:

cd "$HOME/.local/share/dorothy"
git remote remove bevry || : # remove to ensure we always add the right one
git remote add --fetch bevry ''
git pull bevry master 
jon-spotsource commented 4 months ago

Thanks for that. I actually had manually created the user directory to get rid of this error:

Jon-Penton:~ jon$ bash -ic "$(curl -fsSL"
ln: /Users/jon/.local/share/dorothy/user: No such file or directory

I followed your instructions, but ended up needing to delete the dorothy folder and manually clone the repo to get the install working.

balupton commented 4 months ago

Hrmmm. Pity you didn't do the -x trick on that error, I would have been able to fix it. Glad you got it going. Sorry for the inconvenience! Any errors you encounter let me know and I'll fix asap