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Entity groups #1592

Open alice-i-cecile opened 3 years ago

alice-i-cecile commented 3 years ago

What problem does this solve or what need does it fill?

In non-trivial games, entities commonly need to be bundled together to share common behavior, despite being mostly heterogenous. As a few concrete examples:

Possible Solutions

  1. Allowing multiple copies of each component per entity (like nodes in Godot) is a Pandora's box of special-casing and is likely to do horrible things to our storages and conceptual clarity.
  2. Using a parent-child-like hierarchy tree and traversing it to apply behavior. This results in a lot of wasted recomputation.
  3. Storing a "WidgetID" component (or analogous) on each entity, then coordinating their behavior by looking it up within each relevant system.
  4. Adding a unique marker component for each entity in the entity group, then querying for it. We generally can't define these at run time, since the number of entity groups is unknown, so ~min const generics might work well here~ we need dynamic components (see #623) (thanks @BoxyUwU and @TheRawMeatball).

Solutions 1 is clearly a poor fit. Solution 2 comes with performance costs (hundreds of tiny, fragmented vecs, recomputation) and hurts conceptual clarity. Solution 3 is probably fine, but can result in broad queries and doesn't leverage the ECS super well (e.g. for data fragmentation).

Regardless of the solution that we reach consensus on as best-practice, we should make sure it's properly supported and has good examples. These patterns are surprisingly tricky, and I've seen various complaints about how hard these designs are to implement in ECS.

Additional context

This challenge / pattern was brought up in the context of widgets, prompting this issue.

The pattern selected here should be used when designing our UI framework: see #254.

alice-i-cecile commented 3 years ago

Solution 3 could be implemented with / improved by the use of index (see #1587, #1205).

cart commented 3 years ago

Its worth pointing out that (4) is similar to the "entity relationships" that flecs has, which is similar to Tags, as defined here #1527

Davier commented 3 years ago

What I've been doing in my widgets prototype is to store the entity id of the "widget root" inside the other entities of the widget, and also the reverse when needed (saving the entity id of a "widget child" in the root to make it accessible to all). It feels a little bloated but it works well.

alice-i-cecile commented 3 years ago

From @davier: Solution 3 can be naturally implemented using scenes, with the scene instance ID serving as the WidgetId.

GuillaumeGomez commented 1 year ago

Hi, just commenting to say that having groups of Entity would allow me to more easily the switch between "outside" and "inside" since currently I have to iterate over all "outside" Entity and set their visibility to false (and the other way around when I go outside). So this feature would be really great!

bevy is great, thanks a lot for your work on it!