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Thread wakeup times have a significant impact on parallel task execution #6941

Open james7132 opened 1 year ago

james7132 commented 1 year ago

What problem does this solve or what need does it fill?

Parallel tasks are currently bottlenecked by thread wake-up times. Even if we can schedule tasks from the parallel system scheduler or from parallel iteration, it can take quite a while to wake all of the threads in in the TaskPools up. This isn't particularly an issue for Io or AsyncCompute Tasks, but it has a measurable impact on Compute oriented tasks.

For example, see this run of propagate_transforms in Tracy. There's a 90.43us lag between when the first task and last task starts. This significantly impacts the system's total runtime. image

There are likely multiple factors at work here:

What solution would you like?

This will need some investigation. We can switch off of futures_lite::block_on with our own implementation that minimizes yielding, keeping cores hotter, but effectively spin-waiting for new tasks. This is likely a non-solution for battery bound platforms like mobile, but might net some improvements here, at the cost of higher reported idle CPU usage.

We could alternatively try to upstream or fork a change to async_executor with a different thread wake-up strategy. Our compute workloads tend to batch spawn tasks all at once, so it may be worth the contention directly schedule tasks in batches inside the executor and wake up an appropriate number of threads simultaneously instead of in a cascade.

Avoiding additional contention on the global executor by removing Executor::try_tick is done in #6503, which may improve the lag.

What alternative(s) have you considered?

Eating the perf cost. This really only affects systems with large core counts. However, this is increasingly becoming the norm as seen on Steam's hardware survey, where 40+% of desktop users now have access to a 8+ core machine.

Another alternative is just to parallelize everything we can. Bevy's internal systems aren't very parallel right now with many systems easily bottlenecking further execution. By keeping threads busier, the executor will not have the opportunity to yield to the OS as often, which will naturally eliminate the overhead of yielding and waking up threads.

hymm commented 1 year ago

suddenly tracy is showing me more info about the thread state

image blue areas are where the thread is sleeping, brown is the thread waking up, and green is the thread running.

Seems like there's about 10us between the thread waking up and it running the task. Not sure what that is about, might be the time it takes for async executor to find a task to run?

hymm commented 1 year ago

added some more spans including some in async executor and it seems like more than half of the green gap between systems running and a thread waking up in the picture above is the context switching overhead. With the rest being the time it takes for async executor to find a task and execute it.

hymm commented 1 year ago

looks like rayon does wake multiple threads at the same time

edit: not sure it's being called to wake multiple threads in the normal flow

farnoy commented 1 year ago

Very interesting to see this discussion. This is one of the reasons why I implemented a custom ParallelExecutor using Rayon after it was removed from Bevy. I don't know the numbers are directly comparable, but in my case, the delay between when the first and last system starts executing is at most 10us, usually lower - this is for independent systems.

hymm commented 1 year ago

looked into it a bit more. While rayon always calls the new_jobs funtion linked above with num_jobs = 1, it looks like it allows subsequent calls to the function wake up more threads. This is different from async executor where it prevents subsequent calls to the notify function from waking more threads until waking thread is fully awake.

See and also

As a quick test, I removed this code and for our par_for_each functions it did wake up all the threads in like 30us. Unsurprisingly this naive change was a net negative as it causes issues with the woken threads not being able to find work or hitting contention. Async executor probably needs a significant rewrite to avoid some of the contention before we can try to wake multiple threads at once.

james7132 commented 7 months ago

Rayon's documentation on their sleep module seems to have a more complete picture: They're definitely tracking more closely the numerical state of the worker pool (i.e. how many pending jobs are there, how many threads are sleeping, etc.), and that drives how aggressively they wake up their threads.

james7132 commented 7 months ago

Reading through their documentation, this seems non-trivial to replicate in both Bevy and async_executor. I'm coming around to the idea of trying to have Rayon, or at least rayon-core, underpin our task pools on non-WASM platforms, and let it transparently handle non-async tasks, but have some extra handling for running async tasks in the same thread pools.