beyond-all-reason / Beyond-All-Reason

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Discussion: Port overkill prevention gadget from Zero-K or Implement own #1475

Open badosu opened 1 year ago

badosu commented 1 year ago

One of the biggest contentious points in the most popular games played in PVP (6v6+) is t1 spam, this is most visible in t2 core vehicles vs t1 bots in particular.

Proposal is to port or discuss porting/implementing overkill gadget, so more expensive higher alpha units do not waste shots on multiple lower health units.

See gadget and discussion.

Initially as a proof of concept to validate it works as intended, requires to also validate no very significant performance drop on late games.

An important consideration is balance impact in relation to small units vs big expensive units aoe (which can have unintended consequences for some cases).

WatchTheFort commented 1 year ago

How would this affect tactics like sending a wave of scouts ahead of bombers to absorb Mercury and Screamer missiles?

KyleAnthonyShepherd commented 1 year ago

And weapons can sometimes miss, so what happens if a T2 tank thinks a flea is doomed and does not fire on it, but the flea avoids the attack and is in range to attack?

And if I read that gadget correctly, it does not apply to radar dots, so it is still ambiguous how many screamer missiles to fire at a radar dot.

Damgam commented 1 year ago

From what i've heard back in the day, overkill prevention gadget requires all unit scripts to be Lua. So good luck out there.

sprunk commented 1 year ago

It only requires the units with OKP to be Lua.

Possibly it even only requires being able to call Lua (which is doable from bos/cob).