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Move in Formation (Ctrl Left Click) conflict with Drag Move Formation (Right Click Drag) #2294

Open sprEEEzy opened 7 months ago

sprEEEzy commented 7 months ago

When doing Ctrl + Shift + Left Clicks (playing on 240 fps lock), it's very likely that you'll get at least 1 Right Click Drag move inserted, ruining your formation. See image below.


Solution: Disable right click drag while Ctrl is active.

sprEEEzy commented 7 months ago

Related: - different bug, most likely same root cause.

sprEEEzy commented 1 month ago

Another example of right click drag interfering with move in formation.

sprEEEzy commented 1 month ago

This is caused by CustomFormation2 Widget (possibly something more engine related as well).

Can be partially fixed by increasing this number. But, that comes with a downside of not being able to issue smaller formations.

Proper fix would include disabling CustomFormation2 line functionality when CTRL is held to issue Move in Formation.