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Solar Collector Ghost Blueprints #2351

Open sprEEEzy opened 7 months ago

sprEEEzy commented 7 months ago

Sometimes a building doesn't get built, for whatever reason, and a ghost blueprint remains that isn't in any constructor's queue. It only gets removed when the original contructor gets tasked to do something else.

The problem is that you think something will be built, but it never gets built.


In the case from the screenshot, I was somehow allowed to put a solar into a solar on the grid. The 2nd one didn't get built (as it didn't fit), and all that was left was this ghost blueprint.

sprunk commented 7 months ago

Solars are physically smaller when closed, perhaps that's related? Maybe you queued it up when the adjacent ones were already built but somwhow closed.

sprEEEzy commented 7 months ago

No I actually managed to queue that one together with the rest, before any were built. Not sure how to replicate.


sprEEEzy commented 7 months ago

Also related, in another way

sprEEEzy commented 1 month ago

Still a thing, can happen with any building. Sometimes you have 3-4 ghost buildings that a constructor didn't start and just abandoned.

icexuick commented 4 weeks ago

I can imagine this sometimes being useful to still see what you queued, but that some did not get build. It's buggy yes, but not sure how big the problem is.