beyond-all-reason / Beyond-All-Reason
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Cloaked Units Given Limited Implicit Commands #3157

Open Brian-Catcow-B opened 1 month ago

Brian-Catcow-B commented 1 month ago


I suggest that units with cloak on are only allowed to have their implicit m2 command be a movement command. If reclaiming is desired, the command must explicitly be selected before issuing it.


When a unit is cloaked, particularly a commander, it is potentially disastrous to accidentally start reclaiming a wreckage on the battlefield, which uncloaks the unit.

What area of the game does this feature request pertain?


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It's possible for the Armada Sniper bot that it would be good to have attack as an allowed implicit command, even when cloaked, but I can't think of a situation where reclaiming with a cloaked unit needs to be an efficient input.

PtaQQ commented 2 weeks ago

Already a behaviour for the spy bot, just needs to be extended to commanders.

sprEEEzy commented 1 week ago

There's a widget that does exactly this, works very well.