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Stronghold (T2 Legion air transport) cannot pick up Snapper (T2 amphibious crawling bomb). #3205

Open Ateya9 opened 1 week ago

Ateya9 commented 1 week ago


The T2 air transport for legion cannot pick up T2 crawling bombs. The T1 transport can pick them up with no issue.

Expected Behaviour

The T2 legion air transport should be able to transport crawling bombs around like normal.

Actual Behaviour

When ordered to pick up a crawling bomb, they behave normally right up to the point of picking them up. They fly directly above them and just hover there. It's like they can't actually get close enough to the ground to pick them up. The T1 transport can pick them up with no issue.

Reproduction steps

No response


I tested this with a Bedbug (T2 Cortex version), and the same thing happens. The Stronghold can't pick them up, whereas the T1 transport has no issue. It seems like this issue is specific to the Stronghold.

TheSilverHornet commented 1 week ago

Pinging me in legion channel would be better, I relatively rarely look here. There's no obvious cause, will investigate properly later