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Unit selection priority #323

Open dhardy opened 3 years ago

dhardy commented 3 years ago

Hey, I play FAForever and thought I'd try this out. Good, but the number one feature I miss is...

Selection prioritisation

In SupCom, mouse drag-selection ignores engineers (construction units) and the commander if combat units are present, or ignores buildings if engineers are present. I believe there's also a mod that gives aircraft priority over other units.

I didn't see any settings related to this. It should probably be standard anyway.

sprunk commented 3 years ago

If this is desired here's the ZK implementation

skynet-gh commented 3 years ago

This already exists in some form, in Settings > Game > Include structures in area-selection, and under that option, include builders.


Commander is considered a builder by this (but you can always select com with ctrl + c). You can also hold shift to override and select all units in an area.

WatchTheFort commented 3 years ago

I'm with dhardy on this, I think we should implement selection as it is in FAF, we don't need the proliferation of options.

Doing a box select will only select the highest priority group: Combat (including intel) -> Builders (including Commander) -> Buildings. Note that doing a shift + box select selects everything. Units that weren't intended to be selected can be removed by using the selection pane.

KyleAnthonyShepherd commented 10 months ago

Discord has had requests for Unit selection priority to also have options for aircraft, and mobile anti-nukes, and a few other toggles. Could be a good first issue for a UI contributor.