beyond-all-reason / Beyond-All-Reason

Main game repository for Beyond All Reason.
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Evocom patch 19 #3607

Closed SethDGamre closed 1 month ago

SethDGamre commented 1 month ago

Off work with foot and mouth disease, pumping out these balance patches based on the Phroggy crew's feedback.

  1. heavily nerfed legion railgun damage.
  2. Buffed cortex eye lasers and adjusted target prioritization to help it clean up spam from legion commander level 5 vs cortex commander level 5 matchup. Now cortex comes out on top of that direct engagement in a 1v1.
  3. Adjusted the flamethrower velocity cortex level 3-5
  4. adjusted the legion commander's botcannon mostly on the low levels. It has high burst units and low sustained. Seems better balanced against other commanders. Matched the range of the cortex commander's arm cannon
  5. Added epic pulsar and t2 popup lightening turret in armcomlvl7+ when the appropriate extra units modoption is enabled
  6. Some backend consistency cleanup